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Biden isolates while Trump triumphs

  • July 18, 2024
  • 6 Min
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The contrast is striking. While his rival Donald Trump, radiant, is cheered night after night at the Republican convention, Joe Biden, suffering from Covid, is forced on Thursday to isolate himself and thus to put on hold a campaign already under heavy pressure.

The virus is just the latest to disrupt the plans of the 81-year-old Democrat, who is convalescing at his seaside home in Delaware, in the eastern United States.

Since he put on a disastrous show in late June during his debate with Mr. Trump, during which he often struggled to articulate his thoughts, the little tune has been nagging: can Joe Biden still be a candidate on November 5?

The tumult within the Democratic Party is growing louder, despite public attempts to present a united front and denials from the White House.

Biden in isolation while Trump triumphs

US President Joe Biden clears his throat during a speech in Las Vegas, Nevada, on July 16, 2024 / Kent Nishimura / AFP

According to US media reports, Democratic congressional leaders Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries both told the president in separate meetings that his candidacy could jeopardize the party’s chances in November.

As for the very influential Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the House of Representatives, she told Mr. Biden, according to CNN, that he could not win according to the polls, and that he risked making the Democrats lose the House.

And several senior Democrats told Axios on condition of anonymity that they believe the mounting pressure will convince Mr. Biden to make the decision to withdraw as early as this weekend.

” In the race “

Already on Wednesday, California Representative Adam Schiff had urged Mr. Biden to “pass the torch”becoming the highest-ranking elected official to publicly make this request.

Biden in isolation while Trump triumphs

California Representative Adam Schiff, December 9, 2021 in Washington / MANDEL NGAN / AFP/Archives

About 20 House members and one senator have so far urged Joe Biden to throw in the towel.

The presidential candidate’s campaign team is trying to close the door on speculation. “He remains in the race”assured Quentin Fulks, a team official, to the press.

“Our team does not envision any scenario in which President Biden would not be at the top of the ticket – he is and will be the Democratic nominee.”he insisted.

Mr. Biden himself has said he feels ” GOOD “ after testing positive for Covid.

“I will isolate myself while I recover, and in the meantime, I will continue to work for the American people.”he wrote on X on Wednesday evening.

Donald Trump, 78, must be enjoying the Democrats’ misfortunes.

Biden in isolation while Trump triumphs

Former US President Donald Trump on the third day of the Republican convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on July 17, 2024 / Jim WATSON / AFP

The Republican remains surrounded by the aura of a miracle worker after surviving an assassination attempt on July 13.

Showing his control over the Republican Party, he must formally accept on Thursday evening to be the right-wing candidate for the presidency, during a grandiose party during which tens of thousands of balloons in the colors of the American flag will be released.

And while he is beset by legal challenges, he has recently scored two major victories: Federal charges against him in Florida were dismissed, and the Supreme Court granted broad criminal immunity to the president, which could jeopardize some of the proceedings against Mr. Trump.