By Camille Loty Malebranche
Wickedness can be defined as anything that makes man seem like an inhuman monster in relation to others. Wickedness is also the adoption of an unhealthy conception of life and meaning. Anything that distorts the natural sensitivity of man and makes him an evil being inclined against good, who seeks to harm his fellow men or who despises the right to happiness of others that the wicked undermines by his sordid attitude. It is the decline, the slide into cruelty for having lost the moral and logical bearings of benevolence towards humans.
What makes a man evil? At what point does a child begin to become calculating and seek to prevail by making the other child suffer? There, it is undeniable that society, inhuman, as it is, has a lot to do with it, not only through the infamous rudiments of a culture of competitions with strong overtones of hatred of others perceived as rivals to be ousted, but also through all sorts of words, gestures and suggestions from adults themselves who are unhealthy in their putrefied minds and their dehumanizing civilization… For the rest, among the most frequent determinations that carry away the “heart” – that is to say the natural emotional foundation of man – and make it a contemptible coprolite, a stone of hardness towards evil, selfishness, envy, lust, there is one that is redundant: the bitterness of the suffering undergone which pushes the subject to want to strike as he was struck, having lost consideration for the species that has become, in his eyes, contemptible.
The wicked person is the individual whose perverse conscience refuses to look in the face the wrongs he objectively causes to others. He is the dehumanized man so self-centered that he believes that the evil or even the crime he does must be praised as good because it comes from him. He is the hardened wrongdoer who, even when he knows he has caused harm and suffering to others, takes pride, rather than repenting. He is the stubbornness of iniquity that rejects any call for justice. He is the protagonist of evil who gives in to his base tendencies without trying to fight them. He is the filthy refuse of hatred through envy, lust or jealousy.
Wickedness is always a form of ontological alienation, because it is contrary to the divine principle of Creation and therefore of life, which is Love. Wickedness is also the hatred of the alienated person who hates himself through the other resembling him by appearance, ethnicity or social condition
Wickedness is cured by the cultivation of the transcendence of human stupidity that can easily feed it in us when we see the baseness of the other towards us, his imbecilic pettiness, his bad faith to make us suffer. Because if we start to become relentless on the literal waste that others release from their minds in our direction to respond to them, we will start by torturing ourselves and end up wanting to make them pay by becoming as dirty as they are; to the extent that making them pay is impossible because evil is systemic – embodied by powerful decision-makers and taken up by the large repugnant crowd orchestrating a sordidly unjust social or socioeconomic order – we will therefore end up introjecting the repugnant systemic abjection to have rank in the hierarchy and thus contribute to the structure of horror. This is why we must cultivate worthy values in contempt of the great number when the great number is unworthy. It is in fact an art that consists of loving each human for his humanity of substance and refusing all the social or impulsive dross that he could carry. This is why, to avoid falling as low as others when they are lost to themselves and their humanity, it is sometimes necessary to keep a long distance. Better solitude than promiscuity with the bad guy who, in any case, would end up with his harassment by making us fall, even if only temporarily, if not in the miasmas of his actions at least in anger, sadness and repugnance. All negative states or feelings harmful to health and spirituality.
One of the powers that overcomes evil in all circumstances is knowing how to transcend the conditions of its emergence and also to keep one’s distance from the wicked; one must learn to affirm with the strength of spirituality and rationality the superior wisdom that disdains the evil without, however, ceasing to remain open to the possible repentance of the wicked.
Wickedness dehumanizes. Breaking the chain of wickedness through mental and spiritual disciplines such as prayer and meditation, but also through the implacable refusal of anything that is inspired by bad intentions or projects a harmful purpose against humans – especially when the dehumanized and unhealthy environment can lead us there, if only as a response to the anthropomorphic garbage polluting the social space – constitutes a major fight for the good man who wants to remain human. Refusing to serve any iniquitous system, even the order of the world with its ignominious ideological, political and socio-economic tyrannies, is a mark of authenticity of the sense of fairness and goodness of man for his humanity against the servitudes, the hells of wickedness.
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