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By winning the French championship against PSG, Dumornay had a brilliant first season at OL

  • May 17, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 19

By winning the French championship against Paris Saint-Germain, Melchie Daelle Dumornay had a brilliant first season at Olympique Lyonnais

L’Olympique Lyonnais scored a big blow this Friday, May 17, 2014 by winning the French women’s championship against PSG (2-1), and one of the key figures in this victory is Haitian striker Melchie Daelle Dumornay, nicknamed Corventina. For his first season under the Lyon colors, Corventina has already left an indelible mark by contributing decisively to this triumph.

During the playoff final, pitting OL against Paris Saint-Germain, Melchie Dumornay’s teammates showed unfailing determination. The match, played with intensity and passion, ended in a 2-1 victory in favor of the Lyonnaises. Melchie Dumornay, a real offensive asset of the team, played a crucial role by being a decisive passer during this meeting. His playing intelligence and his vision on the pitch allowed OL to take the advantage and dominate PSG.

This victory marks a turning point in Corventina’s career, who thus wins her first major trophy in Europe. Arriving in Lyon this season with a promising reputation, the former Stade de Reims striker did not disappoint and was able to quickly integrate into a team already rich in talent. Despite his injury last December, his ability to create scoring opportunities and play unselfishly was a major asset for OL in the second half of the season.

But the season is not yet over for Melchie Dumornay and her teammates. On May 25, Olympique Lyonnais will have the opportunity to win a new prestigious title: the Women’s Champions League. This time, the opponent will be FC Barcelona, ​​a formidable team that has already proven itself on the European scene. The showdown promises to be intense and exciting, and women’s football fans around the world will have their eyes glued to this final.

For Melchie Dumornay, this match represents a new opportunity to shine and demonstrate her talent on an international scale. A Champions League victory would cap off an already exceptional season and reinforce her reputation as one of the most promising young players in women’s football.

The 2023-2024 season will be remembered as the one where Corventina took off in Europe, and all eyes will be on her on May 25, in the hope of seeing Olympique Lyonnais lift a new trophy and register a little more her name in the history of women’s football.

By winning the French championship against PSG, Dumornay had a brilliant first season at OL

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