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Church | Sexual misconduct Cardinal Lacroix cleared by Vatican after incomplete investigation

  • May 22, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 21

The investigation commissioned by the Vatican into Cardinal Gérald Cyprien Lacroix does not conclude that he engaged in sexual misconduct.

After an investigation ordered by Pope Francis, Quebec judge André Denis concluded that no act of misconduct or sexual abuse could be identified in Cardinal Gérald Cyprien Lacroix. The complainant, at the origin of the accusations, was not met, which left the investigation incomplete, writes The sun.

The allegations of the complainant, who was allegedly attacked by the cardinal during a seminar in 1987-1988, lack concrete details. Despite Judge Denis’s research, no element formally links the cardinal to these accusations.

The Vatican decided not to initiate additional canonical procedures, considering the investigation closed. However, Judge Denis underlines the incomplete nature of his report due to the absence of testimony from the complainant.

Cardinal Lacroix has always categorically denied the accusations against him. He chose to temporarily step down from office, saying he wanted to participate in the legal process. The Catholic Church of Quebec continues to support the cardinal, emphasizing his innocence and his desire to remain in the background to favor a settlement of the collective action against the Diocese of Quebec.

Cardinal Lacroix is ​​cleared by the Vatican… after an incomplete investigation (