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Committed to his duties, Garry Conille promises to meet the expectations of the population

  • June 3, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 24

The Presidential Transitional Council (CPT) submitted to the Prime Minister, Garry Conille, on June 3, 2024, the amplification of the decree appointing him Head of Government. Through a brief ceremony held at the Welcome Villa, the PM promised that he will do everything possible to satisfy the population.

A solemn ceremony was held on June 3, 2024, at the Welcome Villa at the Prime Minister’s Office in honor of the new Haitian Prime Minister, Garry Conille. It was with the aim of investing him in his new functions by giving him the amplification of the decree granting him the power of Head of Government. In the presence of members of the CPT, organizers of the ceremony, the press, executives of the Prime Minister’s Office and many other personalities, Mr. Conille made strong commitments for the future of this second version of the transition.

Indeed, the new PM was very complimentary of the presidential advisers. According to him, the atmosphere which governs the Council is very reassuring. He said he was proud to collaborate with this team while specifying that he hoped for very good and frank collaboration in the interest of the nation. The PM says he is aware, as is the Council, that there is an emergency at home. However, he stresses that they (he and the council) are not going to be under the illusion that the job will be easy. It is in this sense that he called for solidarity and consensus with a view to a successful transition.

Without tongue in cheek, the former Prime Minister under the administration of Michel Joseph Martelly, gives the guarantee that they will deliver what he and the Council promise to the nation. This, taking as a guarantee the dispositions and the state of mind, he says, which characterizes the CPT.

For his part, the President of the Council, Edgard Leblanc Fils, clearly clarified to the PM the expectations of the CPT. He invites him, together with the presidential advisors, to begin the formation of the new Government. To address the problems that plague the nation including: the recovery of insecurity, the restoration of the economy and institutions. He encourages him to organize free, honest and democratic elections in order to allow the transition to pack up without any regrets, on February 7, 2026.

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