Verified on 04/15/2024 by Alexane Flament, Editor

Constipation is a common disorder that bothers many people. If there are positions that help with the expulsion of stools, a change in diet is often welcome.

So, it is common to hear that salad improves transit. What about it? We will explain everything to you.

Constipation: what are we talking about?

Constipation is a disorder that results in dry, hard stools that are difficult to pass. It is a fairly common disorder that affects 5 to 20% of people.

The first is called “ constipation by inertia “. Stools become stagnant in different places in the colon. The contraction of the muscles fails to move the stools towards the rectum.

The second is called « constipation terminale ». It is often linked to the loss of the reflex to go to the toilet when the need arises. It occurs when stools stagnate in the lower part of the rectum, without being evacuated.

To avoid constipation, there is a position to adopt on the toilet. Experts recommend placing a small block on the ground to place your feet on. You thus find yourself in a physiological position to go to the stool, with your legs slightly elevated. This makes defecation easier.

Constipation is defined by the occurrence of less than three bowel movements per week and/or the existence of hard stools with difficulty in evacuation.

Constipation problems can also be resolved by changing your diet.

What should you eat to stop being constipated?

“Fiber (…) is an interesting solution against constipation. In the colon, fibers can be fermented by the microbiota, with the production of gases and short-chain fatty acids (butyrate, acetate and propionate), which will create an osmotic load, thus accelerating intestinal transit. indicates Anne Guillot, dietician and nutritionist.

It is then necessary to distinguish the soluble fiber and insoluble fiber.

The first are found in the legumes, rice, barley and rye. They increase the volume of stools and retain large amounts of water. This helps normalize the consistency of stools.

Insoluble fiber allows secretion of water and mucus. They therefore have a laxative property. It is then recommended to eat squash, figs, pears, turnips, salad or artichokes.

If you are bothered by constipation, the specialist recommends “at dinner foods allowing good hydration, and vegetables having laxative effects, for example green vegetable soup or green salad ». So, don’t hesitate!

Florine Cauchie

Health journalist

April 15, 2024, at 11:01 a.m.

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