A political storm is rocking the “Les Engagement pour le Développement” (EDE) party after its secretary general, Sterline St-Vil, was forced to resign from her post. This decision, imposed by Claude Joseph, the party leader, has sown unrest among the leaders and influential members of the organization, who are now threatening to resign en masse in protest against what they consider to be a power grab.
Claude Joseph, in this unexpected move, has already designated Guerline Felix to replace Sterline St-Vil at the head of the party. This decision, controversial to say the least, quickly aroused indignation within the party. Several executives and leaders, shocked by the treatment reserved for St-Vil, denounce a unilateral decision, taken without consultation, and are seriously considering resigning collectively to show their disagreement.
It remains to be seen whether the forced resignation of Sterline St-Vil is linked to the recent note from the EDE party concerning the refusal of the request of the departmental secretaries who demanded the resignation of President-Counsellor Smith Augustin from the Presidential Transitional Council. Augustin is currently involved in a major financial scandal, involving three President-Counsellors.
Sterline St-Vil, as secretary general, was reportedly reluctant to approve Claude Joseph’s decisions regarding the management of this sensitive issue. Her refusal to align with the leadership’s position could have contributed to precipitating her forced departure. For the moment, neither Claude Joseph nor Guerline Felix have yet made an official statement to explain the reasons for this sudden change at the head of the party.
If party officials follow through on their threat to resign en masse, it could significantly weaken EDE and call into question its ability to weigh in on future political debates.
The future of the EDE party now seems uncertain, and how this crisis is handled could determine its political survival. Many observers are closely following the developments, seeking to understand the deeper motivations behind this unexpected reshuffle and its implications for governance and transparency within the country’s political institutions.