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Do you suffer from anxiety? Here are 3 signs often ignored, according to this psychologist

  • June 12, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 16

21% of adults are or will be affected by anxiety during their life, according to Inserm. Women are twice as affected as men. Fatigueirritability, heart palpitations, hot flashes… There are many physical and psychological symptoms of anxiety, however, some are still little known.

This is why, in a video posted on Instagram, American psychologist Lalitaa Suglani, also known as @dr.lalitaa on social networks, revealed three signs of anxiety that are often ignored.

3 little-known signs that may indicate anxiety

In her video, the psychologist revealed three telltale signs of anxiety that should not be ignored. Here they are :

You experience persistent fatigue

Do you constantly feel tired without knowing why? According to the specialist, a constant state of fatigue even after having had a good night’s sleep can be a sign of anxiety. Indeed, anxiety can have a significant impact on the body and mind, disrupting the sleep and causing a chronic fatigue.

You feel deep sadness

According to the psychologist, anxiety can be hard to detect in certain people, because even when their morale is not in good shape, they pretend that everything is fine by wearing a big smile. In reality, they can feel “a deep sadness”, as the expert indicates. So, “the anxious person withdraws from those around them and exposes themselves to a certain solitudespecifies the psychologist, before adding that “Anxiety can also result in a feeling of emptiness and disconnection.”

You have a loss of interest in your activities

Do activities you once enjoyed now feel like a chore? This can be a sign of anxiety according to the psychologist. In fact, anxious people “lose interest in their activities, and even choose to no longer practice them because it requires so much energy”, declares the expert. This then results in a feeling of isolation from others, as the psychologist explains in the video.

Additional sources:

  • Anxiety – Vidal
  • Anxiety disorders: When anxiety becomes pathological – Inserm
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Oceane Letouze