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Doctor Kerry Norbrun warns of the dangers of bullying on social networks and in schools

  • June 20, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 8

Bullying, a serious threat in schools and on social networks: interview with Doctor Kerry Norbrun.

Doctor Kerry Norbrun spoke with the Juno7 editorial team on a crucial subject: bullying, a growing threat in our society, particularly in schools and on social networks through comments. According to the doctor who also shared a video on this subject, bullying manifests itself by behaviors according to which a person or a group mistreats another person in a physical, verbal or emotional way. This worrying phenomenon results in insults, blows, mockery or threats, affecting the victims on the physical, mental and emotional levels.

Bullying on social networks, commonly called cyberstalking, which mainly affects young users of these platforms, is experiencing an alarming increase, leading to serious consequences on the mental and emotional health of victims.

The consequences of bullying are profound and lasting. Victims often feel discouraged, lose self-confidence and can find themselves isolated. This distress can lead to depression, and in more extreme cases, cause people to harm themselves or consider suicide, Norbrun said.

Mr. Norbrun also noted that bullying does not only harm the victims. “Bullies themselves may develop persistent behavioral problems, such as violence and aggression, which could seriously jeopardize their future,” he said.

To combat this scourge, Dr Norbrun insists on the need for collective action. “Schools, parents and communities must work together to create an environment where respect and friendship are valued. It is essential that schools have programs in place to encourage positive behavior and provide students with tools to manage conflict in a non-violent manner. Parents must also play a crucial role in maintaining open communication with their children and supporting them in developing their self-confidence.”

The doctor also noted that people who bully often do so in order to make others laugh. “Sometimes those who make fun don’t realize the impact that making fun can have on victims’ mental health,” said Kerry Norbrun.

Bullying represents a serious threat with widespread repercussions on individuals and society. Kerry Norbrun invites everyone to get involved in the aim of eradicating this harmful behavior and building a society where everyone feels safe and respected.

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Breaking the Silence on Depression in Haiti: A Call to Action from Dr. Kerry Norbrun