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Dr Jean Levelt: Open letter to members of the Presidential Council and Haitian Citizens

  • May 24, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 19

Subject: Choice of Garry Conille as Prime Minister

In response to the thug manipulators and gangsters in ties of all stripes who want to impose on the country a shoddy prime minister, lackey of the black-mulatre bourgeoisie of this country, without serious academic training and without “sense of history”, I publishes below a box taken from the report of the Superior Court of Auditors on the “Pétrocaribe” file:

All those who have had a “stay with Maître Pongnon” as Haitian popular wisdom says can read in this box that Garry Conille Conille was absent from the country during the Council of Ministers where his replacement ai had signed on his behalf. Doesn’t common sense dictate that we ask ourselves how Mr Hébert Doctor, then PM ai. could make such a “heavy” decision in the absence of Dr. Garry Conille. Garry Conille’s former advisors to the prime minister can confirm that this file was the basis of the first hostilities.

Dear members of the Presidential Council,

Dear Fellow Citizens,

History is and will remain a struggle for bread and the means of producing bread. We sadly note that the governments which have succeeded one another in this country have almost all placed themselves at the service of a “negro-mulatto bourgeoisie” while our brothers and sisters from the countryside and the slums languish in the most abject poverty. Personally, I do not doubt your sense of duty and sincerely hope that the solemn departure of Garry Conille from the Prime Minister in May 2012 in disavowal of a government which wanted to plunder the resources of the nation, its experience both in Haiti and in Within the United Nations system, his rectitude and patriotism will prevail in the final choice of our next prime minister.

Patriotic greetings!

Dr Jean Levelt
