Dust contains allergens that can trigger bothersome symptoms in people who are sensitive to it. What causes allergies in dust? What are the symptoms ? Answers.

What is dust allergy?

In the dust there may be mites, pet hair, mold and other various insects. All of these components are potential allergens. Some people develop an allergic reaction when they come into contact with house dust.

The most common allergy is allergy to dust mites, microscopic animals that proliferate in homes. The main allergen in the mite is mainly present in its excrement, but the arachnid’s body also contains allergens.

What are the symptoms of dust allergy?

The symptoms of dust allergy are similar to those of pollen allergy:

  • red, itchy, watery eyes;
  • sneezing;
  • blocked nose, runny nose;
  • tingling in the throat.

We speak of an allergy when the body reacts abnormally to contact with an allergenic substance. Concretely, the immune system identifies the allergen as an aggressor and triggers inflammatory reactions to defend itself (the symptoms mentioned above).

What are the risk factors?

People most at risk of developing a dust allergy are:

  • those who have allergic people in their family;
  • those who are particularly exposed to dust and mites;
  • children and young adults.

If your doctor suspects you have a dust allergy, he will refine his diagnosis by asking you about your symptoms and your exposure to dust. He will then carry out a clinical examination during which he will examine the inside of your nostrils and your throat to see if the mucous membranes are inflamed.

The diagnosis must be confirmed using an allergy test (the Prick test) during which the allergist doctor places a little dust on your skin. If your skin reacts (redness, itching), you are allergic.

In addition, the allergist can prescribe a blood test to measure the level of certain antibodies.

Annabelle Iglesias


June 15, 2024, at 2:10 p.m.

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