If you are passionate about sports, you have probably already noticed these blue or green colored drinks: energy drinks. However, don’t confuse them with energy drinks, which brands often try to pass off as similar.

Do you really know the difference between these two types of drinks? Be careful, because one of them can be dangerous for your health and is absolutely not suitable for sports activity.

Don’t be fooled by marketing

Energy drink and energy drink manufacturers often use misleading terms and similar packaging to sell their products. However, their effects on your body are very distinct.

Energy drinks: to be avoided for sport

Contrary to what their name suggests, energy drinks provide no real benefit for sports performance. Worse still, they can prove counterproductive by:

  • Delaying recovery
  • Increasing the risk of injury
  • Dehydrating the body
  • Disturbing sleep
  • Causing heart problems

For what ?

These drinks are generally high in sugars, caffeine and other artificial stimulants which can have harmful effects on your body, especially during intense physical exertion.

Energy drinks: your allies for optimal performance

Energy drinks, for their part, are specially designed to meet the nutritional needs of athletes.

They allow you to:

  • Stay hydrated
  • Maintain your energy level
  • Promote muscle recovery
  • Improve your performance

Comment ?

By providing your body:

  • Of the water : essential for thermoregulation and nutrient transport
  • Of the sucres : source of energy easily assimilated by the muscles
  • Of the sels minerals : to compensate for losses due to perspiration
  • Of the vitamins : involved in energy production and muscle recovery
  • Of the antioxidants : to fight against free radicals produced during exercise

Don’t forget to choose an energy drink that is appropriate for the duration and intensity of your session, and to drink water in addition. With the right drinks and good hydration, you are ready to take on all your sporting challenges!

Anya El Hamdaoui


June 26, 2024, at 4:49 p.m.

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