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Extreme temperature changes may expose you to a higher risk of stroke mortality, study finds

  • May 23, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 16

And stroke (stroke), is a sudden loss of one or more brain functions. As Health Insurance explains, it can be caused by a sudden cessation of blood circulation inside the brain (ischemic stroke), or by the occurrence of an intracerebral hemorrhage (Hemorrhagic stroke).

In a recent study conducted by the Harvard University TH Chan School of Public Health, researchers found that there was a link between exposure to extreme temperatures and sudden onset of death from stroke.

Exposure to extreme temperature changes puts you at increased risk of death from stroke

To carry out their study, the researchers analyzed data from a multi-country, multi-city collaborative research network on ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke mortality. In this database entitled “Multi-Country Multi-City Network”, more than 3.4 million deaths from ischemic stroke were referenced, as well as 2.4 million deaths from hemorrhagic stroke, reported between 1979 and 2019 in 25 countries and 522 different cities.

After analyzing the results, the study revealed that for every 1,000 deaths from ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, approximately 11 were attributable to extremely cold days, or conversely extremely hot. Of the 11 ischemic stroke deaths, 9.1 were caused by cold temperatures and 2.2 by hot temperatures. Regarding hemorrhagic strokes, 11.2 were caused by extreme heat, and 0.7 by extreme cold. The study also found that low-income countries had a higher rate of stroke deaths, in part because these countries are exposed to very high heat.

Increasing numbers of climate changes in the years to come

Thus, extreme temperatures, whether cold or hot, are associated with an increased risk of dying from ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. According to Barrak Alahmad, a researcher at the Department of Environmental Health and lead author of the study, the results of the study, “are another step toward understanding the effects of climate change on stroke.”

As the team of researchers explains, “As temperatures become more extreme, we expect an increase in fatal strokes.” Therefore, it is important to develop strategies to mitigate the impact of extreme temperatures on stroke mortality.

Especially since in recent years, numerous climate changes have been felt. According to a recent study conducted by an Italian climate research center, more than 23% of the world’s population aged 69 or over will live in a place where they will be exposed to levels of heat estimated to be dangerous by 2050.

Sources :

  • Extreme temperatures may increase risk of stroke mortality, especially in low-income countries – Harvard TH Chan
  • Extreme Temperatures and Stroke Mortality: Evidence From a Multi-Country Analysis – Stroke
  • Understanding stroke and transient ischemic attack – Health Insurance
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Oceane Letouze