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Faced with the propaganda machine of Barbecue, Izo-5 Segond and Lanmo 100 Jou, what could be the media response?

  • May 23, 2024
  • 13 Min
  • 18

By Marcelin Montaigne

Faced with the propaganda machine of armed criminal gangs deployed on traditional media and social networks operating at full speed, a response will be essential not only to weaken Barbecue, Jeff Canaan, Izo -5 Second on the media level, but also to undermine their ideological influence and recreate a resilient social fabric in the face of armed groups.

In relation to the Stabilization and Security Mission on the way to Haiti, let us emphasize, however, with Professor SAMAR AL-BULUSHI from the University of California The US-Kenya alliance represents a convergence of strategic interests between the United States as an imperial power and Kenya as an increasingly assertive actor in the Global South.

Given the widely criticized history of imperial interference in Haiti, the Biden administration has sought to avoid being seen as playing a direct role in the most recent intervention plan in the country (a plan that is dominated by American concerns about migration rather than the well-being of the Haitian people).

In what follows, we present concrete actions and examples illustrating how the Kenyan force and the media collaborate strategically to weaken terrorist groups and protect local communities.

We also draw attention to the difficulties encountered in this collaboration which can represent significant challenges for the Kenyan Mission and the media in their fight against terrorist groups, requiring continued efforts and adapted strategies to overcome them.

Kenyan force’s collaboration with media in Somalia in the fight against Al-Shabaab, a terrorist group in Somalia The Kenyan Mission has established a strategic collaboration with the media in Somalia to strengthen its efforts against the terrorist group Al-Shabaab. This collaboration has several key objectives:

Dissemination of Information : In partnership with Somali media, the Kenya Mission ensures that accurate and timely information on Al-Shabaab activities and counter-terrorism operations is disseminated. This helps counter the group’s propaganda and inform the population of risks and security measures.


– Regular press conferences: The Kenyan Mission organizes press conferences with Somali media to inform the public of the latest operations against Al-Shabaab and military successes.

– Press Releases: Regular distribution of press releases detailing ongoing actions and security warnings.

– Use of social media: Leveraging social media platforms to disseminate quick updates and reach a wider audience.

Counter-Propaganda: The collaboration helps produce and distribute media content that counters Al-Shabaab propaganda. Somali media plays a crucial role in portraying the realities of Al-Shabaab’s actions, highlighting their negative impacts on local communities.

Actions :

– Media campaigns: Launching media campaigns that expose Al-Shabaab atrocities and their devastating effects on local communities.

– Documentaries and reports: Production of documentaries and reports highlighting the stories of survival and resistance of victims of Al-Shabaab.

– Testimonies from deserters: Broadcast of testimonies from Al-Shabaab deserters who denounce the group’s practices.

Example: A documentary broadcast on local channels tells the story of a community that resisted an attack by Al-Shabaab, showing the resilience of the residents and denouncing the brutal tactics of the terrorist group.

Awareness and Education: By working with the media, the Kenya Mission helps raise awareness of the dangers posed by Al-Shabaab and the group’s recruitment methods. Educational campaigns are carried out to prevent indoctrination and encourage vigilance within communities.


– Educational programs on radio and television: Broadcast of educational programs that explain the dangers of extremism and how to recognize the signs of radicalization.

– Community workshops: Organizing workshops in communities to discuss strategies to prevent radicalization and encourage cooperation with security forces.

– Educational materials: Distribution of brochures and educational guides on the prevention of extremism.

Example: A weekly radio program is launched, where security experts and community leaders discuss the warning signs of radicalization and ways to protect young people from recruitment by Al-Shabaab.

4. Logistics and Technical Support : The Kenyan Mission often provides logistical and technical support to local media to ensure effective and secure coverage of operations against Al-Shabaab. This includes training journalists and improving media infrastructure.

Actions :

– Journalist training: Training sessions for Somali journalists on secure conflict coverage and investigative journalism.

– Equipment provision: Distribution of secure reporting equipment, such as bulletproof vests and heavy-duty cameras.

– Improvement of media infrastructures: Assistance in modernizing the technical infrastructures of local media to improve the quality and security of broadcasting.

Example: The Kenya Mission is holding a training workshop for journalists in Mogadishu, teaching them how to cover conflict zones safely and how to verify information before publishing it to avoid misinformation.

5. Capacity Building: By training journalists and building the capacity of local media outlets, the Kenya Mission is helping to create a robust media environment capable of withstanding the pressures and threats posed by terrorists.


– Partnerships with journalism schools: Establishment of partnerships with journalism training institutions to integrate modules on journalism in conflict zones.

– Mentoring and professional exchanges: Mentoring and exchange programs between Kenyan and Somali journalists to share best practices and build skills.

– Financial support: Grants and funding for local media projects focused on countering extremism.

Example: A mentoring program is set up where experienced Kenyan journalists coach Somali journalists, helping them develop investigative reporting skills and create content that effectively counters Al-Shabaab propaganda.

This collaboration is essential not only to weaken Al-Shabaab militarily, but also to undermine their ideological influence and recreate a resilient social fabric in the face of extremism.

These concrete actions and examples illustrate how the Kenya Mission and Somali media are working together strategically to weaken Al-Shabaab and protect Somali communities.

B- Difficulties encountered by the Kenyan force in its relations with local media to fight against the terrorist group Al-Shabaab. Here are some of these difficulties:

Limited capacity


– Threats and Intimidation: Somali journalists are often the target of threats, intimidation and direct attacks from Al-Shabaab. This limits their ability to cover events safely and impartially.

Example :

– Assassinations: Several journalists have been assassinated by Al-Shabaab due to their reporting on the group’s activities. This creates a climate of fear and censorship.

Reliability of Information


– Spread of Disinformation: Al-Shabaab uses sophisticated disinformation techniques to sow confusion and discredit the efforts of the Kenyan Mission. Local media can sometimes report unverified or biased information.

Example :

– Fake Press Releases: Al-Shabaab issues false press releases and uses social media to spread rumors and fake news, making it more difficult for journalists to discern fact from fiction.

Limited Resources

Difficulty :

– Lack of Funding and Equipment: Many media outlets in Somalia lack the financial resources and equipment needed to cover conflicts effectively and securely.

Example :

– Inadequate Equipment: Journalists often lack bulletproof vests, high-quality cameras, and vehicles suitable for traveling to dangerous areas.

Censorship and Political Pressure,


-Government Influence: Somali media are sometimes pressured by the government or armed groups to report favorable information or to silence certain truths.


– Censorship: Reports critical of government management of the fight against Al-Shabaab may be censored, limiting press freedom and transparency.

Access to Conflict Zones

Difficulty :

– Inaccessible Areas: Many regions under the control or influence of Al-Shabaab are difficult to access for journalists due to the danger and travel restrictions.


– Denial of Access: Al-Shabaab often prohibits access to areas it controls, preventing media from reporting independent and verified news from those areas.

Trust and Cooperation


– Mutual Distrust: There may be distrust between local media and Kenyan forces, complicating cooperation and information sharing.


– Strained Relationships: Past incidents where sensitive information was disclosed or misused can create tension and reluctance to fully collaborate.

In sum, these difficulties represent significant challenges for the Kenyan Mission and the Somali media in their fight against Al-Shabaab, requiring continued efforts and tailored strategies to overcome these obstacles.