There are thousands of videos on the internet promoting various diets.

Fasting, mono-diet, lemon juice on an empty stomach, sugar-free or gluten-free diets… Everything is good for finding a dream figure. However, nutritionists are concerned about some of these practices.

We will explain everything to you.

The main thing to remember

Social networks are full of videos promoting various strict diets and sports practices without proper training, often unsuitable for individual needs.

Excessive use of social media is linked to an increase in eating disordersexacerbated by images of idealized bodies and incentives to adopt extreme diets

Unsuitable solutions

On social networks like TikTok, you just have to type a hashtag to come across hundreds of influencers who claim to have found the miracle solution to regain a flat stomach and well-developed muscles. Without any real training in nutrition, these videographers advocate sports galore, supplemented by protein intake and strict diets.

Not all recommendations are to be thrown away. But each diet or sports practice must be adapted to the person who needs it.

Intermittent fasting? For someone who is never hungry in the morning, why not. Gluten-free diets? It depends. Sugar-free diets? It depends…” continues Dominique-Adèle Cassuto, author of the book Silhouette, my friend, my enemy, interviewed by France info.

When social networks promote eating disorders

An American study has established a link between abusive use of social networks and eating disorders.

According to the researchers, the different applications promote the obsession with slimming and healthy eating.

At issue: the multitude of images of slender bodies and the words of influencers encouraging users to eat healthy. THE « challenges fitness » (like losing weight as quickly as possible) are also harmful.

Of 1,765 people interviewed, aged 19 to 32, those who were going the most on social networks had a higher risk of developing eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia or l’orthorexie.

No causal link could be demonstrated but it seems plausible. Eating behavior is complex and is the result of a multitude of factors.

If you want to rebalance your diet or lose a little weight, the best solution is de make an appointment with a nutritionist. The professional will be able to guide you and offer you follow-up adapted to your situation.

Florine Cauchie

Health journalist

May 31, 2024, at 9:10 a.m.

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