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Flashback, (audio) October 18, 2011 | Garry Conille: We have an urgent duty to provide concrete answers

  • May 29, 2024
  • 2 Min
  • 22

Called to join Michel Martelly, appointed president of Haiti, thanks to fraudulent elections – (revelations of Pierre-Louis Opont of the CEP and Joseph Lambert of the senate, years later) – Dr. Garry Conille recognized that the Haitian people are facing major obstacles, to the point of admitting during his inauguration that “his expectations are numerous”.

« We have the imperative duty to provide concrete answers, consistent with the general interest. », he announced during his speech in October 2011.

Dr. Conille, who was forced to resign four months later, failed to achieve a single one of the objectives he had set for himself by exposing his general government policy to a parliament already committed to the cause of the Tèt Kale. in the summer of 2011.

Gary Conille, Prime Minister from October 18, 2011 to February 20, 2012, was preceded by Jean-Max Bellerive. Conille also held the Justice portfolio from November 22, 2011 to December 12, 2011, replaced by Tèt Kale Josué Pierre-Louis then Michel Brunache. Today, the Haitian judicial system is much criticized and “home justice” is being sold at auction.
