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Flashback | UN Expert Panel Report Reveals Gang Leaders Under PHTK 1, 2, 3 Established Officially Registered Social Foundations

  • April 1, 2024
  • 2 Min
  • 34

Flashback, October 2023

Gang leaders in Haiti under Martelly-Jovenel-Ariel establish ‘officially registered social foundations,’ says UN Panel of Experts report Page 58: «…Moreover, funding and humanitarian assistance has been channeled through these organizations158.While these foundations are officially registered, gang leaders head and take decisions regarding these structures through their representatives/staff that they recruit for activities and projects. In addition, gangs sometimes use this aid to force men and women to join the gangs, such as the Nan Boston gang (G9), according to confidential sources.

Certainly, these are the potential candidates for the next elections-selections envisaged by the head of the understudy government for the year…