
Football_Analysis: When are the elections to the Haitian Football Federation?

By: Peterson Pierre-Louis

Several months have passed but the normalization committee of the Haitian Football Federation (FHF) has not yet communicated the electoral calendar less than seven (7) months from the end of the year.

In November 2023, FIFA decided to renew the Normalization Committee for another year with the objective of holding elections during this year (2024).

If we remember one of Ms. Monique André’s reactions to the Carton Rouge show. “We want to hold elections so that an elected committee takes control of the FHF in order to execute projects for Haitian football, we are not elected officials, we have limits” . she blurted.

After these declarations, what are the concrete actions of the said committee giving electoral sensations?

For a long time, Haitian football through our various selections has suffered from managerial problems but unfortunately the standardization committee always shouts: “we do not have the means to hire high-level coaches with high salaries.”

We believe this is the time for current leaders to send clear signals on this matter. Since the time has arrived for Haitian football after three (3) years to exit this transition path. To get out of this, we need the will of the Normalization Committee and FIFA.

After five (5) months already, where are we with the electoral agenda of the Haitian Football Federation?

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