Football_Obituary: Tragic death of a former goalkeeper of the Haitian national team

By: Peterson Pierre-Louis

Frantzdy Francillon, former goalkeeper of the Haitian men’s senior team, was shot dead by unidentified armed individuals at the Carrefour Sports Center. Injuries were also recorded during this attack.

The football family and the Carrefourrois are in mourning after this tragic news. The former goalkeeper of Don Bosco de Pétion-ville (DBPV) died on the spot after receiving several projectiles. In addition, there are other people who came out injured.

Insecurity is at its peak in the metropolitan area and the football family is not spared. Francillon was a renowned and very talented goalkeeper. Too bad, he left us in these difficult to explain conditions.

Frantzdy Francillon was someone who offered himself and helped the Carrefour community in youth sports activities. A member of the ADESHA Organization, he was very active in the idea of ​​helping the football schools in the capital.

When will the reign of insecurity end? This cowardly and villainous act leaves Haitian football in the deepest sadness. Frantzdy Francillon has gone to the afterlife but the Haitian state must sound the alarm. In order to put an end to the acts of barbarians eating away at this society. He left a little boy and his wife in disarray. May he rest in peace.