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For the restoration of security, For the holding of elections and For the departure of the Government.

  • February 4, 2024
  • 10 Min
  • 41

For the restoration of security, For the holding of elections and For the departure of the Government.

. -By Lauture Jacques

Politics has always been an essential area of ​​philosophical reflection. It is the highest and most accomplished form of human association. Furthermore, political action can be subordinated to morality which only makes sense if it covers the fields of possibility as it is the set of principles of judgment and conduct which are imposed on conscience. individual or collective as founded on the imperatives of good. This is why Max Weber defines politics as all efforts made to participate in power or to influence the distribution of power, either between states or between various groups within a state. . At the same time, the notion of morality or ethics remains controversial in political dynamics. In contemporary society, it is impossible not to recognize the existence of positive correlations between democracy and political stability, equated with economic development.

Consequently, instability is quite classic in Haiti’s political history. This country, divided, mutilated and bruised, is caught in the spiral of infernal politics. Over the past three decades, the country’s socio-economic conditions have continued to deteriorate. Socio-political unrest is caused, almost, by Coups d’état and by calls for the resignation of governments. These malicious practices undoubtedly lead to a slowdown in socio-economic activities and also harm Haiti’s economic growth.

Indeed, the date of February 7, which was once a symbolic date marking the start of the democratic transition in Haiti, has increasingly become a trivialized date; to the extent that certain actors in the political class are using it to paralyze the country. In this order of this unfortunate approach, next February 7, 2024 is already shaping up to be a day of turbulence. Incendiary statements from political leaders are being launched on board and across with the aim of generating violence and terror in the country; as was the case in the recent past, precisely on the eve of the famous date of February 7, 2021. The more it changes, the more it stays the same. In other words, history just repeats itself. Above all, the protagonists are about to make the same mistakes from yesterday which will give the same results (The same causes produce the same effects). That is to say, armed bands will conquer other territories, cases of kidnapping will multiply and mass migration will continue on its merry way. What’s worse, the 90% of Haitians, who live below the poverty line, will be the main victims. And the country will continue its descent into hell. However, if only the Haitian elites would have been aware of the stakes of the geopolitical dynamics, they would avoid falling into the trap of this chronic division.

As a conscious being, man can conceive and practice these relationships to best fulfill his humanity, with a concern for lucidity and responsibility with regard to reality or even the world itself. To repeat Kant, thought distinguishes man from other species. It is from this perspective that the dichotomy between reason and reality has strongly marked philosophical thought throughout time. Especially with the Age of Enlightenment where the human mind was in search of truth. Further, certain philosophers had devoted a significant part of their reflection to the relationship between the sensible and the intelligible. Thus, Plato believes that sensible things are not true reality; it is only an appearance, a shadow, a copy of intelligible things, the only true ones, the only real ones. Which implies that man, as a political animal, can understand the world and act on his own life. Hence, the need to organize and manage its surrounding environment (The city).

In the meantime, a politician should be virtuous and keen to act within the framework of morality and the collective interest. However, the lack of foresight and sense of patriotism makes Haitian politicians blind. It is an open secret that the pathological obsession with power, at all costs, has already caused enough damage to our dear homeland. Social actors are always ready to show solidarity in evil. Knowing that there is no legal provision that would allow a hasty departure of the power in place on February 7, 2024, they would have taken positions that would facilitate a happy outcome to this crisis that Haiti has been facing for a long time and therefore, relieve the suffering of the majority of the population who do not know which way to turn.

Let us say it openly that this is not the time for violence. It’s really not worth persisting in this old tradition of incessant political crises. This is the time to try, preferably, to come together to save what can be saved. Because, since the villainous assassination of the late President Jovenel Moïse in his private residence during the night of July 6 to 7, 2021, the country has sunk into unprecedented political chaos. The Haitian Prime Minister, Dr. Ariel Henry, finds himself alone at the head of the executive enjoying constitutional legitimacy and recognition from the international community. Faced with this exceptional reality, it would be more strategic and more rational to demand, with one voice, the rapid intervention of the Multinational Security Support Mission to support the PNH in order to restore security in the country. Then, demand the completion of the Referendum and the holding of elections so that the current Government can finally pass power to a new democratically elected Government.

Obviously, the art of politics is linked to love of country.

For the restoration of security, For the holding of elections and For the departure of the Government.

Lauture Jacques

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