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Garry Conille, as Master and Lord

  • June 26, 2024
  • 15 Min
  • 4

Conille is nice. Conille is nice. Conille is empathetic. Conille is generous. However, Conille is dangerous in the absence of beacons and vigilance. Garry Conille achieved in less than a month what Ariel did not know how to attempt for thirty months of carefree power. Conille visited the displaced and the homeless; he sympathized with the bereaved. He expressed empathy towards the widow and the orphan. He is therefore smarter than his predecessors. However, we must never lose sight of the fact that Conille remains a faithful special envoy of these old demons who are responsible for Haiti’s adventures.

Without arrogance, Conille will convey the four wishes of the interference of the White man who strives to be omnipresent and omnipotent in all corners of the West. Through their land, sea and underwater explorations, they are well aware of the endowments of each nation. The paradox of the natural resource curse warns us that these people do not even rule out the possibilities of fueling civil war and conflicts in the spaces coveted by mad capitalism.

Conille is only executing a foreign agenda that he himself as a human and as a doctor, while he clings to the Hippocratic Oath, does not necessarily agree with. If a minimum of citizen awareness crosses him, he will object to certain projects and that will be so much the better for Haiti. Like his counterpart from a similar socio-professional category, Conille is a missionary. The only difference is that it was imposed in a less arbitrary manner. Let’s hope that he will not become a stubborn mercenary who works to the detriment of Haiti. The agenda of the resentful West to annihilate Haiti in its pride in banishing the slave system remains the same. In the short term, hope can be regained, particularly in the context of security; but in the medium term, the country will return to square one of the endless political and social crises.

A sweet toxic pill

Conille does not appear authoritarian, he does not raise his voice, he maintains the right tone; However, the tone has changed, gently. The power of the CPT is evaded. In Superman mode, Conille brought all the ministers on board, both his own and those of the CPT, to retain their loyalty. The ultimate objective of this stratagem would be to concentrate all the powers in his camp. At the end of the recent government retreat in search of political cohesion, Conille, undoubtedly coached by an international conspiracy expert laboratory, will put everyone in his pocket. By betrayal he was inducted almost unanimously, by betrayal he will mobilize all the other ministers to a common cause which unfortunately cannot be the cause of Haiti. The CPT’s funeral was abruptly sung, without taking the time to observe its wakes.

Conille’s team had promised a brand new policy with new faces, not from the government of Ariel Henry, from PHTK. However, in her office, the pink and white bracelets continue to sparkle with a thousand colors. His policy of austerity by reducing the number of ministers, moreover a poorly posed problem, is just a hoax. Assuming that the strategy of fewer ministries and fewer ministers would equate to more prosperity, why then not have a total of three ministries, two ministries or even a single ministry to carry out the entirety of government policy? This reasoning of reducing ministries in the way it is supported is just fallacious. Rather, we must stop these practices of hiring pleasure-seekers and mediocre people who parade through the administration in an expensive sinecure. The main thing is to demand performance from each executive so that he or she is a facilitator of public services.

While he swore by a certain austerity through the idea of ​​reducing the number of ministries from 18 to 14, Conille clumsily created two ministers without portfolio. In addition to being in contradiction with the initial objective, Conille increases the risks of unproductivity and conflicts of interest by merging several ministries. In this regard, the accounting role of debtor and financial controller of the great financier of the republic is jeopardized by the merger of the MEF with the MPCE. By what magical mechanism will Kathleen from the MEF always be in harmony with Florestal from the MPCE regarding for example the public investment program (PIP) or any other project involving the two ministries? There is danger.

Why a ministry responsible for the sanitation of state institutions, the fight against corruption and impunity when the ULCC, the IGF, the UCREF, the CSCCA, among others, have the mission of face the challenges of sound management of public affairs? What is a ministry responsible for solidarity and humanitarian affairs looking for in an administration that includes the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor (MAST) whose responsibilities consist of defining and executing the Government’s social policy. The MAST must, among other things, supervise welfare and social assistance works, grant special protection to women, children, the elderly and the infirm; ensure the protection of workers in both the formal and informal sectors of the economy, and improve their living and working conditions. The duplication is obvious.

Conille spoke of cleaning up diplomacy and public administration. He will ensure that the haemorrhage of zombie checks is stopped; he will evaluate the members of the PA and he will promote results-oriented actions; he will encourage accountability. What about PetroCaribe, the IHRC? When we know that Martelly and Conille have a common godfather, co-president of the IHRC, himself having to account for the calamitous management of such post-earthquake funds, we will deduce that Conille has neither the quality nor the means to carry out concrete actions against corruption.

The CPT, blown up like a balloon

It is since the perfidious entry on the scene of Garry Conille that the CPT has been just ousted. Like a balloon inflated with atavism and pollution, this cowardly and careerist CPT was blown up in the air. No conviction, no opposition, no real power. Otherwise, each councilor received consolation bonuses by having the right to appoint a few puppets in public affairs in order to better negotiate shares of the stunted pie. Amateurism, inexperience, inconsistency, this is the least of what this mosaic government designed without supervision, without vetting, without analysis of the files of those who will commit the nation. Early on, the CPT scandalously failed in its mission to scrutinize the profiles of ministers and secretaries of state.

Villain game, platitude game, interference game; from estrus, the dice have been loaded in dictations full of fraud decreed by a buccaneering international community which executes its agenda alone. While the agreements resulting from a broad political consensus should establish a decent marriage between a presidential college and a government, the divorce was quickly pronounced. The bone of contention has been seen since the demarcation of certain influential figures, notably the Montana agreement, who promoted the presidential college. The CPT has been diverted from its initial functions. What is the weight of a presidential advisor in this political balance biased by the international in favor of the head of government? Almost zero.

In this new boat riddled with confusion, Garry Conille is the sole master on board. One would have thought it a paradox to think that the Prime Minister was hired by the CPT. Fake. As with the positions of presidential advisors and director of the PNH later, Garry Conille’s destiny to become PM was decided in Washington. Isn’t this last scenario of hypocritical geopolitics better than a tweet? Adored godson of the Clintons, Conille is a long way ahead of all the other puppets, composing a snake with seven or nine heads, which will ultimately not be useless in the eyes of the white man. Conille will let them exhibit some political childishness and lead internal conflicts such as that of rotating presidential advisor, without effect and without interest for the international community or for Haiti.

Presumably through the related privileges, the bad tenants of the sovereign powers always manifest the desire to monopolize more and enjoy them until eternity. While “Too much power kills power”, Garry Conille has already taken autocratic pushes by wanting to concentrate a lot of power for the benefit of his clan, which will be revealed to us tomorrow. Society must collaborate for the success of government, of course. However, whether in the decrees, negotiations and actions of this “pèpè” government, eagle eyes must be focused on preventing irreversible despotic excesses in Haiti.

How can we force a favorable social balance in the absence of this gaping political void? Monitoring institutions including the university, the press and local and diaspora associations must pull the string, in synergy, in order to demand respect for national resources while ensuring decent living conditions in favor of the community.

Carly Dollin

[email protected]

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