Let us really act to communicate better. If communication is silver, action is gold. The wine is drawn, it must be drunk, because the circle is closed in the worst possible way, at a time when we believed we were entitled to a glimmer of hope. However, the actions of those who should inspire confidence and who would give hope, are at the antipodes of morality, they border on the unbearable. It seems that this is a country of deaf, mute, blind, voracious, rapacious, dishonest, corrupt, inhuman, traitors, leaders in transit. In reality, we are speaking, hearing, seeing and human beings, like the others. However, given the level of inhumanity displayed by Haitian leaders, in their cruelty in the face of the misery of others, we have the legitimacy to question the mental health of those who lead us.
THE HAITI FACTOR, August 16, 2024._Indeed, in some democracies in the world, during election periods, they go door to door like Jehovah’s Witnesses, in others they go from neighborhood to neighborhood, while for the most part they go from city to city. On the other hand, the most pragmatic think that door to door is reserved for those who have time to waste and who, in reality, do almost nothing or nothing at all. As for this strategy, from police station to police station, it works, the result is concrete. There is no better way than to use nationals, leaders in transit to destroy a country, without the visible participation of foreigners, real false friends. If little by little, the bird builds its nest, it is because it has time ahead of it, but from house to house, from neighborhood to neighborhood, from city to city, it will never work, because time is running out if we no longer want to count corpses in the Capital which has become Port-au-Gang, in the Artibonite valley in particular, in the country in general with the “Bwa kale” phenomenon, this form of popular justice, in the absence of state justice.
Jacques VERGES, in his work entitled: “A Dictionary of Love of Justice”, ironically wrote: “We have the right to kill our fellow man by depriving him of bread, we do not have the right to kill him with knives”. However, the suffering of hunger and poverty is beyond comprehension in Haiti, it causes more deaths than all the weapons of destruction combined. According to Professor Bertrand BADIE, hunger in the world causes more than six million (6,000,000.00) victims per year. Despite the monstrosity of hunger in the country, it is hardly talked about, since it only concerns the defenseless, the forgotten ones. The trend is to move towards crime caused by firearms and sharp weapons, as if the most destructive catastrophe that is hunger was not attributable to the leaders. It was Von Liszt who said: “A good social policy is the best criminal policy”. Social policy must take precedence over criminal policy if we really want to fight against organized crime.
Between the lies of those who govern us and the truth of the street, there is a mountain of differences. But this is not a reason to say goodbye to dignity, integrity and honesty. With the dazzling and exponential advance of information and communication technologies, everything is known, everything is seen, nothing is hidden, not even state secrets, much less a policy of decadence. Your actions and achievements, when they are visible and profitable to the community, speak for you and everyone talks about them. No need to give in to blackmail of all kinds. Lourdjina ETIENNE and Melchie Daelle DUMORNAY, known as Corventina, among others, have not paid anyone anything to talk about their achievements. Leading a country is a heavy responsibility, because we are at the service of others and not at the service of ourselves. Every leader must have a duty of ingratitude towards his sector, once in power, to be able to serve his people, the one and only boss to whom one must answer, if one does not want to end up in the dustbin of history. If something is under control in the country, the people do not see it yet.
While for some, dignity, integrity and honour are cardinal values, for others, on the contrary, they have no importance. To illustrate these remarks, we refer to the resignation letter of April 24, 2024, which we consider to be a belated repentance. Your letter, Mr. Prime Minister, is the antithesis of the truth. If Me Monferrier DORVAL had not been assassinated in the conditions that we know, he would tell you that the country was neither led nor administered during your time at the helm of state affairs. Some would say that your administration, from all points of view, was a bitter failure for the country. Like deaf and blind people, you neither heard the cries nor saw the suffering of the people who are dying of hunger, you were only content to collect fortunes in the public treasury, without being aware that your administration was a waste of money hitherto unequalled. It is not too much to remind all leaders that instead of being a cake, the public treasury is the common heritage of all Haitians. If rapacity like voracity is a sin, hell, have you thought about it, ladies and gentlemen corrupters and corrupted?
terrorized and still terrorize the entire population, to combat widespread insecurity, kidnapping, assassinations, destruction of property, public and private institutions. Nothing has been done under your administration, except the disastrous management of the public treasury. Hospitals, pharmacies, university centers, classical and professional schools, businesses of all kinds are looted and burned, in the total indifference of your government. The nation has not been served, unfortunately, PM.
“I sympathize with the losses and suffering endured by our compatriots during this period,” Sic.
It is good to sympathize with the losses and suffering endured by Haitians during your governance at the head of the country, but it would have been better and useful to do so at the time of the events, and not while you are in exile. The first mission of the State is to secure the population, because security is the first of human goods. Your compassions after the fact are worthless, they attack people, preferably, they are considered insults to the friends and relatives of the thousands of victims. In one way or another, all Haitians, whether they are in the country, whether they are abroad are victims of your indifference, your carelessness and especially the complicity of the leaders with the armed gangs. Power does not only give advantages and privileges, it also makes one responsible. Your belated compassions are like crocodile tears, Mr. Prime Minister. Your government, against all odds, has deliberately turned a blind eye to the losses and suffering of Haitians.
national, at a rate of 2.5 million gourdes each, on the other hand, Raoul Pascal PIERRE-LOUIS who, for his part, publicly accused, through a letter, three of the honorable Councilors, in order to wash away the dignity, integrity and honor of those who lead us. It is not the end of the world, ladies and gentlemen of the authorities, accountability can be demanded at any time, accountability is a necessity and an indicator of good governance.
A country does not lead itself, it is led. It is not Haiti that is the laughing stock of the world, but its leaders who forget that the first black Republic made the greatest revolution in the world. Just a little reminder for you. Let’s move from words to actions, so that you can be useful to the country.
Jean Barnave CHERON, patriotic citizen, lawyer.
August 15, 2024