Verified on 02/26/2024 by Alexane Flament, Editor

Groin pain has several possible causes. This is a complex region where the diagnosis is not always easy to make. Fortunately, there is a treatment for every pain. We will explain everything to you.

Where is the groin located?

The groin is a region of the human body located between the abdomen and the thigh. Several ships are there.

In men, it is crossed by a cord containing a canal which connects the testicles to the prostate. In women, in this region there is a ligament which attaches the uterus to the bottom of the labia majora.

Why can the groin become painful?

There are several reasons that can explain groin pain:

  • A muscle injury. It may be a elongation or a tear;
  • Joint or bone trauma, such as a fracture or dislocation;
  • Pubalgia, a pain well known to athletes. This is a term which brings together a set of anatomical lesions and which requires several months of complete rest;
  • Inflammation of the area inguinalsuch as tendinitis, bursitis or inflammation of the groin lymph nodes following an infection;
  • The pain can have a visceral origin. It may be an inguinal hernia, functional colopathy or cystitis.

Other ailments can cause pain in this area. In all cases, it is important to make an appointment with a doctor so that he can establish a diagnosis and avoid any risk of serious pathology.

As a general rule, if you feel pain in this area, it is advisable to take a painkiller or place an ice pack on the affected area.

If the pain is caused by trauma, as is the case with tendonitis, this treatment must be supplemented by a few physiotherapy sessions. The specialist will have you work on muscle strengthening exercises, which target the gluteal muscles, adductors and abdominals.

Finally, for visceral pain, specific treatment is necessary. There inguinal hernia can be corrected by surgery, colopathy requires a change in diet. Cystitis, for its part, requires antibiotic treatment.

Florine Cauchie

Health journalist

February 26, 2024, at 10:24 a.m.

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