Verified on 02/26/2024 by Alexane Flament, Editor

Pain, bleeding, swelling… Gum-related pain should not be taken lightly. If symptoms persist, it is advisable to consult a specialist. While waiting for your appointment, here are 4 tips to relieve your pain.

Why are my gums sore?

Gum pain can have several causes. According to the Mont-Royal Dental Center in Montreal, this may be due to:

  • A gingivitis : inflammation due to infection following an accumulation of dental plaque and tartar on the edge of the gums;
  • An infection or mouth ulcers;
  • Periodontal disease, which can damage the supporting tissues and bone surrounding the tooth.

Aside from pain, sore gums can be accompanied by other symptoms such as swelling, tooth pain, bleeding when brushing, red and shiny gums, persistent bad breath.

Gum pain: 4 simple tips to relieve it

Gum pain is never trivial and should alert you. To relieve pain before going to a specialist, Doctor François Lescuyer, dental surgeon, advises:

A dose of painkiller

It is possible to take 1g of paracetamol every 4 hours, without exceeding four days. It is also possible to take an anti-inflammatory to manage the pain. Be careful, however, in the event oftooth abscess or if you are pregnant, taking anti-inflammatory drugs is contraindicated.

Apply cold

The cold helps calm the inflammation. The expert advises mouthwashing with very cool water.

The use of cloves

Simply apply a few drops on a piece of cotton and apply it to the painful area. Without essential oil clove, it is possible to place one at the pain level. It is possible to infuse it and make mouthwashes with the preparation.

Tooth brushing

It will help reduce the presence of bacteria responsible for pain. Gently brush your teeth, and complete with dental floss. It is possible to add a mouthwash at the end of brushing.

Finally, be aware that lying down increases pain. The cause is blood pressure which increases in the head. Prefer the semi-sitting or standing position.

Florine Cauchie

Health journalist

February 26, 2024, at 11:31 a.m.

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