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Haiti-Criminality: State authorities visit the general hospital recently taken over by the Police

  • July 9, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 8

P-au-P, July 9, 2024 [AlterPresse] — Accompanied by the interim director general of the Haitian National Police (PNH), Rameau Normil, Prime Minister Garry Conille and the advisor-president of the Presidential Transitional Council, Louis Gérald Gilles visited this Tuesday, July 9, the State University of Haiti Hospital (Hueh), the largest public hospital center in the capital, Port-au-Prince, better known as the general hospital, observes AlterPresse.

Hueh has been retaken since Sunday evening, July 7, 2024 from the bandits by the PNH, informed Rameau Normil, during a press briefing, on July 8, in the company of Kenyan General Godfrey Otunge, head of the Multinational Security Support Mission (MMAS).

The general hospital in Port-au-Prince was used by armed gangs to carry out attacks on the National Palace and other buildings, he said.

“The playtime is over,” he exclaimed during this meeting with journalists.

Care has been suspended since Thursday, February 29, 2024 in Hueh, due to violence by armed gangs.

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The escalation of violence by armed gangs continues to cause a scarcity of health care in Haiti, health organizations and institutions have noted, according to the Onu info website.

The security crisis is having a serious impact on an already fragile health system and a scarcity of access to health care – as well as to essential social services, hygiene facilities and psychological assistance in Haiti, they deplored.

The representative of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) of the United Nations (UN), Dr. Oscar Barreneche, reported a paralyzed health system, particularly in the capital, Port-au-Prince.

Only a quarter of health establishments remain functional in the Artibonite department (North) where gangs maintain their hold. [emb apr 09/07/2024 13 :30]

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