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Haiti-Crisis: Confusion, procrastination and astonishment regarding the official appointment of members of the Presidential Transitional Council

  • April 15, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 37

P-au-P., April 15, 2024 [AlterPresse] — The special issue of the official newspaper Le Moniteur containing the order appointing the members of the Presidential Transitional Council would have actually been published, according to the former president of the Chamber of Deputies Jean Tholbert Alexis, of the “Ansanm Nou Fò” party. , member of the Agreement of December 21 on which the power in place is based.

“Someone bought this number and it was actually given to them. This means that the issue in question of the official newspaper Le Moniteur was sold to him, and therefore published,” declared the former parliamentarian in a brief interview with AlterPresse/AlterRadio.

Confusion has reigned since the government denied, on April 15, in a communication on social networks, the publication of the decree, described as “Fake News”, immediately after the document was broadcast on various networks.

“The Government is working to make these appointments as quickly as possible and in the best possible conditions. », adds the note.

Previously, a source within the Council confirmed for AlterPresse the authenticity of the document, in circulation in various networks and bearing the date of April 12, 2024.

“The decree is indeed published and commits the republic,” says Jean Tholbert Alexis, chief of staff at the ministry of youth and sports of the current government.

“Too much procrastination and trial and error. We can no longer go back,” believes the former parliamentarian, who invites those concerned to take all measures for the installation of the Council, in a context of deep crisis.

Divergences reportedly exist between different members of the government regarding the official appointment of personalities serving on the Council.

For Alexis, it is now necessary to activate the commissions and sub-committees which have been formed at the level of the government and the stakeholders of the agreement supporting the Presidential Council, in order to proceed with the effective installation of this body.

Earlier today, the European Union called on the government to formally appoint the Presidential Transitional Council “without further delay”.

In a statement issued by his Diplomatic Service, considered that it is “now crucial that the Cpt (Presidential Transitional Council) be formally appointed by the outgoing government of Prime Minister Ariel Henry without further delay. This will then allow the appointment of a new prime minister by this council. »

“The country urgently needs a Haitian solution to end the current political vacuum and address the long-standing political, security and humanitarian crisis. We call on all Haitian political forces to sincerely cooperate in achieving this objective,” adds the European Union. [apr 15/04/2024 18:20]