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Haiti-Crisis: New anti-government protests in several provincial towns against a backdrop of global paralysis of activities

  • February 5, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 43

Gonaïves (Haiti), February 5, 2024 [AlterPresse] — New anti-government mobilizations began this Monday, February 5, 2024, in several towns in the provinces against a backdrop of a global paralysis of school and commercial activities, according to information gathered by the online agency AlterPresse.

In Gonaïves (Artibonite/North) and Miragoâne (Nippes), citizens once again took to the streets to demand the immediate departure of the de facto Prime Minister, Ariel Henry.

Barricades are also erected in the streets.

School and commercial activities are paralyzed again in various towns in the provinces, notably in Cap-Haitien (North), Les Cayes (South) and Jérémie (Grande Anse, part of the South-West of Haiti).

Barricaded with stones, the Jérémie public market does not work.

Barricades of burning used tires are also set up on the road Lassusmore precisely at the bridge called Notre-Dame du Cap (recently rehabilitated) in Jérémie.

A vehicle, which allegedly belonged to a civilian employee of the Haitian National Police (Pnh), close to the departmental police director in Grande Anse, was set on fire.

In the town of Les Cayes, several roads are blocked by barricades made of stones and burning used tires, early this Monday morning, February 5, 2024.

Public transport and activities are paralyzed in the city, where street movements are expected.

The same goes for the city of Cap-Haitien, where the streets are almost deserted.

This Monday, February 5, 2024, school and commercial activities are not taking place in the city center of Hinche (Central Plateau), where roads are also blocked.

Mobilizations are also planned in the town of Hinche to demand the departure of the de facto team in power.

Various socio-political and trade union organizations planned to demonstrate in the streets of Port-au-Prince and in several towns in the province, on Monday 5, Tuesday 6 and Wednesday 7 February 2024, with a view to continuing to demand the departure of the first de facto minister, Ariel Henry.

Wednesday February 7, 2024 marks the 38th anniversary of the fall – on February 7, 1986 – of the Duvalier dictatorship.

After the 2 days of general strike, Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 January 2024the Anti-Corruption Union Brigade (Bsac) and allied organizations announced, again, two days of general strike across Haiti, Monday February 5 and Tuesday February 6, 2024, to ask the authorities to take measures to thwart terror and armed gang crime. [rj emb rc apr 05/02/2024 12:35]

Photos: Rio Jean, Grande Anse department