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Haiti-Crisis: Obstacles to the official appointment of members of the Presidential Transitional Council

  • April 1, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 34

P-to-P, March 30, 2024 [AlterPresse] — The official appointment of members of the Presidential Transitional Council by the interim council of ministers would encounter difficulties, a source close to the steps to establish this entity told AlterPresse.

“The official appointment is in difficulty,” says the source, accusing the government of dragging its feet in the process of publishing a related decree in the official newspaper Le Moniteur.

The government would have requested a certain number of documents which would have been provided to it, in particular the reference framework developed for the functioning of the presidential body.

The government would also have required that certain procedures go through the Caribbean Community, playing the role of facilitator and considered as guarantor of the process.

To date all demands have been met, according to the source, declaring that the ball would for the moment be in the court of the interim holders of power.

Furthermore, no notification of the existence of a transfer of powers commission, supposedly established, would have been sent even informally to the Presidential Transitional Council.

Currently, the Council of Ministers of the de facto government fills the presidential void and takes the place of presidency when the ministers meet in council, the AlterPresse source insisted.

Furthermore, the agency learned that proposals are under discussion between the members of the Presidential Council, in order to reach a political agreement, which will seal relations between the sectors forming part of the structure.

The political agreement will notably include the elements of a road map for the transition period, which will last between 18 and 24 months.

The election of the president of the Transitional Presidential Council should take place after the installation of the entity at the presidential palace, according to a draft decree relating to the creation, organization and functioning of the Council, consulted by AlterPresse.

The Presidential Council includes the voting members Edgard Leblanc Fils of the Collective of political parties of January 30, 2023, Leslie Voltaire of the Fanmi Lavalas political party, Louis Gérald Gilles of the agreement of December 21, 2022, Fritz Alphonse Jean of the Montana agreement, Laurent St Cyr from the private sector, Emmanuel Vertilaire from the Pitit Dessalines political party, who initially refused to be part of this structure.

The two non-voting members are Frinel Joseph from civil society and Régine Abraham from the inter-religious sector. [apr 01/04/2024 01:30]