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Haiti | Delicate positioning of the Private Sector facing the selection of Fritz Blizaire by the extreme dwategch bloc of 4

  • May 1, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 18

Nuanced statements from the private sector on the “selection” of Fritz Bélizaire to replace Ariel Henry, who had been unreservedly supported by this same sector for many months, even though he had no legitimate and constitutional mandate.

The Haitian private sector, a major player in the country’s political life since the overthrow of the dictatorial regime in 1986, continues to exercise its influence by welcoming the election – or the selection by a group of 4 – of Edgard Leblanc to the presidency of the Transitional Presidential Council.

This consideration is, however, tempered by reservations regarding the contested choice of Fritz Bélizaire as Prime Minister, replacing Ariel Henry, who benefited from the unconditional support of this same business sector for more than 30 long months.

Against a backdrop of persistent political and economic crisis, the members of the private sector signatories of the note, some of them being accused of unfair competitive practices, call for unity and cooperation between all political actors to resolve the major challenges facing the country.

The private sector recognizes the importance of political consensus to restore stability and progress in Haiti, and welcomes the efforts of CARICOM, international entities and the Vatican to facilitate this process. However, it should be noted that the Haitian Constitution contains all the elements necessary for the resolution of the crisis and the advancement of the country, particularly through the development of institutional framework laws.

To conclude, the private sector urges all sectors of Haitian society to actively engage in the reconstruction of national institutions and to working together for a better future. He expresses his hope that, through collective and concerted action, the country will be able to overcome the current challenges and progress towards a stable and prosperous democracy.

Private Business Sector Group

To the Haitian people…

Pétion Ville, April 30, 2024

We, part of the Private Business Sector Group, salute the maturity of the Haitian people in this difficult period of panic, who continue to resist in the way they face the economic challenges of political insecurity for more than three (3) years in the country.

At this precarious and troubling moment, we believe the time has come for all political stakeholders to sit down together and say that the country cannot spend a day waiting for this problem of insecurity to be resolved. In this, we welcome the decision of CARICOM, international entities, and the Vatican who have put their hands together to help the Haitian people find a consensus, so that the country can regain hope for the democratic path.

Consequently, we, the signatories of this note, take this opportunity to salute the dedication of each member of the CPT Transitional Presidential Council, more particularly the new President: Mr. Edgard Leblanc Fils.

On the other hand, we want to tell national and international public opinion, including the Haitian diaspora, that we support any choice of the majority of political sectors in the CPT, which choose or who will choose any credible and honest character to secure the position of Prime Minister for the formation of a new government of national unity. It is a patriotic exercise which means that we are capable of right the ship of our country.

We wish all other socio-economic and political groups who have remained on the sidelines to make a concrete commitment to the re-establishment of the noble and state institutions of the country. A way for all the children of the country to breathe a sigh of relief, so that all activities in the country can begin again in peace and security.