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Haiti – FLASH: Message from the Visa Application Reception Center for Brazil

  • March 26, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 28

Haiti – FLASH: Message from the Visa Application Reception Center for Brazil
26/03/2024 09:31:02

The Visa Application Reception Center for Brazil (BVAC) operated by the International Organization for Migration (IOM – Haiti) informs:

“1 – The Brazilian embassy in Haiti remains closed and therefore IOM cannot process new files. Due to the airport closure, the embassy cannot receive the required materials from Brazil for printing new visas.

2 – L’IOM continues to process visa applications for family reunification (VITEM XI), even if we operate in slow motion. Families will receive a response to their request by email. Please check your emails regularly.

3 – Applicants who have lost their appointment will receive a new date as soon as the situation is more stable.

4 – Due to the current situation, the online system will remain closed for making new appointments for the humanitarian visa (VITEM III). Those who were able to secure an appointment will receive assistance as soon as the situation allows.

5 – The IOM reminds the general public that no one can ask you for money to speed up your file. Making an appointment is free and only administrative fees are required, payable only to Sogebank.

6 – In the current context, we can only hand over visas already received from the Embassy.. Please note that you will receive a call if you are affected.

7 – OIM agents are there to assist you by telephone. You can always call us on the numbers: 2817 0320 / 3163 6075 / 31709307 / 49101117 and 36688490

We continue to monitor the situation in the country to continue to assist the population. »

HL/ HaitiFree

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