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Haiti – FLASH: OAS adopts resolution in favor of Haiti (Video)

  • June 28, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 6

Haiti – FLASH: OAS adopts resolution in favor of Haiti (Video)
28/06/2024 10:23:38

Thursday June 27, 2024, during the 54th ordinary session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) which is held in Asunción (Paraguay, June 26 to 28), Dominique Dupuy, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Haiti, asked for solidarity and support for Haiti to overcome the crisis and hoped that this would be the “last time” that the country will need a Multinational Security Support Mission (MMSS)”

The Chancellor considered that it was “of the utmost importance” that this mission fully achieves its objectives and in this context, she called for “massive and urgent support” to Haiti, calling for an “outstretched hand” and “fraternal support of mutual solidarity” in the effort for regional stability and peace.

Speech by Dominique Dupuy, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Haiti:

During this 54th ordinary session a resolution was approved in favor of Haiti concerning the need for continued efforts towards the immediate restoration of security, the strengthening of humanitarian aid, the promotion of socio-economic development and support for the protection of human rights and democracy in Haiti.

Resolution adopted at the first plenary session: (June 27, 2024)



1. To support the newly formed Presidential Transitional Council and the transitional government of Prime Minister Garry Conille, and to emphasize the need for them to work together in a coordinated manner to achieve the restoration of security and democratic stability in Haiti.

2. To call upon Member States, permanent observers and the international community to continue to support the Haitian transitional authorities in their efforts to restore the rule of law and justice and to protect and guarantee human rights in Haiti.

3. To urge member states, permanent observers and international organizations, including international financial institutions, to facilitate and provide immediate humanitarian assistance to Haiti and promote short-term socio-economic development, particularly in the long term, in order to combat poverty and achieve stability.

4. To encourage Member States to support the MMSS in Haiti and to commit to strengthening the operational and institutional capacities of the Haitian security forces, to coordinate in-kind and material contributions through existing mechanisms, including the United Nations Trust Fund and the International Security Coordination Group.

5. To recognize the need for the OAS to facilitate immediate technical assistance to Haiti to stabilize the security situation, strengthen democratic institutions and hold free and fair elections, as stipulated in the Agreement of April 3, 2024. […] »

HL/ HaitiLibre

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