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Haiti – France: The Senate Medal awards Mikaben posthumously (Vido)

  • May 31, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 23

Haiti – France: The “Senate Medal” awarded posthumously to “Mikaben” (Video)
31/05/2024 09:49:33

Thursday, May 20, 2024 at the special request of Jean Josué Dahomey Pierre Ambassador of Haiti to France, Gérard Larcher, the President of the Senate of the French Republic, awarded the “Senate Medal” posthumously to the Haitian artist Michaël Benjamin , alias “Mikaben”, in the presence of his parents, the Diplomatic Corps, and especially the Ambassadors of the countries of the Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC) and French officials.

The decoration of the Senate is a tribute to the contribution of “Mikaben” to the influence of Haitian culture on the international musical scene and a recognition of the impact of his message in Haiti.

He embodied the beauty of Haitian youth and was a cultural bridge who inspired thousands of lives through his commitment and passion for music. His legacy will live on through his works and the contagious love he had for his country.

Michaël Benjamin, aka “Mikaben” died on stage on October 15, 2022 at the age of 41 in front of 20,000 fans (Video) mikaben-dies-on-stage-in-front-of-20-000-fans-video.html

The choice of the Ambassador to propose the artist “Mikaben” for this decoration of the Senate posthumously, is a way of saluting, once again, the memory of this great son of Haiti, but also a way of express his sympathies to his family, in particular to his widow Vanessa, to his children Gabriel, Leïa, Maïa, to his father Lionel Benjamin, to his mother Roseline Benjamin, to his brother Lionel Benjamin fils known as Ti-lion, to his sister Mélodie, as well as to the entire community of his fans around the world who are deeply touched by his premature departure.

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