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Haiti | Heritage in danger: Bandits threaten to destroy the Palais aux 365 Portes Petite Rivire-de-lArtibonite

  • May 21, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 19

Threat of demolition of the Palace of 365 doors by bandits in Petite Rivière-de-l’Artibonite

Behind the criminal plan to exterminate the Haitian population through the mobilization of armed groups would also hide a sinister project to erase its glorious history. The “Gran-Grif” gang, which operates with complete impunity in the Artibonite valley, threatens to demolish the Palace with 365 doors and the administrative complex of Petite Rivière-de-l’Artibonite,” warns Bertide Horace, spokesperson. word of the Dialogue, Reconciliation and Awareness Commission to save the Artibonite.

The Palace of 365 Doors and the Administrative Complex of Petite Rivière-de-l’Artibonite are still standing thanks to the malfunction of an excavator and other equipment made available to the Valley Development Organization of Artibonite (ODVA). For some time, armed bandits led by Luckson Élan and “Dèdè” have been planning to demolish these historic structures, reports Bertide Horace.

In the Artibonite Valley, outlaws often carried out their threats. The physical condition of the Petite Rivière-de-l’Artibonite police station, abandoned by the police since January 2023, testifies to the violent supremacy exercised by the gangs. Several walls and facades of the police station were knocked down by the criminals using chisels and sledgehammers to try to demolish the building.

The Commission for Dialogue, Reconciliation and Awareness to Save Artibonite is working to engage in dialogue with civil society in several towns in the department in order to deter bandits in their project of erasing the historical memory of the Haitian people, informs Horace .

Although no guarantee has been given by the criminals to abandon their initiative, the threat persists. The criminal group “Gran-Grif” fears that Kenyan troops of the Multinational Security Support Mission (MMSS) will use the site of the Palace of 365 Gates to set up their base and dismantle their criminal dictatorship in the Valley of the Artibonite.

Hervé Noel
[email protected]