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Haiti-Inscurit: De vivid tensions Delmas 24 et Solino

  • May 31, 2024
  • 2 Min
  • 26

A hail of bullets ravaged the neighborhoods of Delmas 24 and Solino on the afternoon of Thursday May 30, 2024, creating a climate of terror among residents. Clashes between gangs and law enforcement lasted hours, transforming these neighborhoods into war zones. Eyewitnesses reported that several bandits were killed during the exchanges of fire.

The neighborhoods of Delmas 24, Solino and their surrounding areas, accustomed to repeated gang violence, were once again the targets of these attacks. Until 6 p.m. the gunfire did not stop despite the arrival of police and army reinforcements equipped with armored vehicles. Many residents have fled their homes, seeking refuge from the incessant violence. The heavy gunfire plunged neighborhoods into a state of siege, and the night was particularly trying for citizens, constantly on the alert.

Injuries among the civilian population were reported, and several houses were set on fire, further accentuating the feeling of insecurity. Local authorities are struggling to restore order, while traumatized residents seek solutions to protect their families in a context of chronic violence that seems endless.

Mackenson PHANOR

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