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Haiti-Insecurity: President-Advisor Fritz A. Jean condemns the Gressier attack

  • May 14, 2024
  • 2 Min
  • 20
The Councilor-President Fritz Alphonse Jean…

During his appearance on the “Le Point” section of Radio Télé Métropole, the former governor of the BRH, the economist Fritz Alphonse Jean, spoke as Advisor-President and strongly condemned the bloody attack perpetrated by armed bandits in Gressier last Saturday.

Mr. Jean announced that the CPT, of which he is a member, is continuing its efforts to respond to the country’s security challenges. He affirmed that the organization exercises its responsibilities with determination and efficiency, with the aim of guaranteeing the security of citizens and contributing to national stability.

Important meetings took place between the Presidential Council, the Haitian National Police (PNH) as well as the Armed Forces of Haiti (FAD’H), with the aim of comprehensively understanding the current situation and laying the foundations for the establishment of a National Security Council in order to maintain stability with a view to the organization of the next elections.

Mackenson PHANOR

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