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Haiti-Mmas: Amnesty International demands transparency and guarantees on human rights

  • June 4, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 19

P-to-P, June 4, 2024 [AlterPresse] — The organization Amnesty International demands transparency and guarantees in terms of human rights, during the deployment, in the coming months in Haiti, of the Multinational Security Support Mission (Mmas)in public statement published on Tuesday June 4, 2024 and processed by the online agency AlterPresse.

She urges to ensure that any measures taken by this multinational mission, led by Kenya and supported by the United States of America and other countries, are strictly in accordance with international human rights law, as required the Security Council of the United Nations (UN).

“A misstep in this area would be devastating for the rights of the Haitian people,” warns Chilean Ana Piquer Romo, director for the Americas at Amnesty International.

Amnesty International reports widespread human rights violations and widespread impunity recorded in previous multinational or foreign security missions in Haiti.

She calls for all necessary measures to be taken before and during any deployment in Haiti, “in order to prevent history from repeating itself.”

“Despite the clear requirements for transparency, contained in UN Security Council Resolution 2699 (2023) authorizing the mission, for participating Member States to meet the highest standards of transparency, there is still a lack of detailed public information on the rules, procedures, structure, and accountability mechanisms relating to human rights, particularly in cases of sexual exploitation and abuse.

The organization Amnesty International calls for the establishment of an independent mechanism to receive complaints, investigate all allegations of human rights violations, rule on reparations and refer certain individual cases to a Haitian civil court, or any other jurisdiction. a country providing personnel, for the purposes of investigations and, where appropriate, for the initiation of prosecutions.

“In addition to the assessment procedures, which they must undergo, mission personnel should receive comprehensive training, before deployment and in the field, on the fundamental principles of the United Nations, human rights law, prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse, protection of civilians and protection of children”.

The international human rights organization considers the participation of Haitian organizations, particularly feminist organizations, in this process crucial.

“The collective memory of civil society and knowledge of certain sequences of actions, which often led to abuses and other wrongdoing, must be taken into account throughout the definition and implementation process human rights guarantees for Mmas,” insists Amnesty International.

Upcoming Mmas deployment to Haiti, expected to be led by Kenya, reportedly aims to crush armed gangs ravaging that countrydeclared, on Thursday, May 23, 2024, Kenyan President William Ruto, quoted by Agence France Presse (Afp), consulted by AlterPresse.

Kenya and other countries, which will deploy their troops in Haiti, will have to “secure Haiti and break up the gangs and criminals who have caused untold suffering in this country,” he emphasizes.

Ruto made the remarks at a press conference alongside US President Joseph Robinette Biden, known as Joe Biden, during a state visit to Washington, United States of America.

In recent months, there has been an intensification of armed attacks against police stations, sub-stations and police branches, in the context of the deployment of the Mmas.

From January to March 2024, more than 2,500 people, including at least 82 children, were killed or injured in armed gang violence in Haiti, according to the United Nations. [emb rc apr 04/06/2024 14:45]