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Haiti – Politics: Biden will protect hundreds of thousands of Haitians from expulsion

  • June 28, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 6

Haiti – Politics: Biden will protect hundreds of thousands of Haitians from deportation
28/06/2024 10:12:30

The Biden administration plans to protect approximately 300,000 Haitians from deportation and allow them to work in the country, according to reliable sources speaking on condition of anonymity and not authorized to discuss it publicly. The Biden administration’s plan would make Haitians arriving after November 2022 and before early June eligible for temporary protected status.

Biden has adopted a more restrictive stance on the southern border, which some see as an electoral strategy and has drawn criticism from both his own camps and Republicans.

Recall that the Biden administration has used TPS in recent years to protect hundreds of thousands of migrants, including from countries such as Venezuela, Ukraine, Afghanistan, and Haiti. The protections for Haiti came as violence and upheaval ravaged Haiti, including the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse in 2021
and the takeover by gangs of part of Haitian territory.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas designated Haiti with Temporary Protected Status in 2021 and renewed that status in 2022 for 18 months, expiring August 3, 2024

To be continued…

HL/ SL/ HaïtiLibre

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