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Haiti-Politics: Home stretch for the choice of a transitional prime minister

  • May 28, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 29

Update at 4:00 p.m., after the publication, this Tuesday, May 24, 2024, in the official newspaper Le Moniteur, of the May 7 resolution of the Presidential Transition Council on qualified majority for making major decisions

P-au-P., 28 from 2024 [AlterPresse] — The final steps have been taken towards the choice of a prime minister by the Presidential Transitional Council (Cpt), according to information gathered by the online agency AlterPresse.

Very little official communications are available regarding the ongoing process. The Council reached the selection of 5 candidates out of dozens of applicants, according to a method which has not been made public.

The personalities still in the running, all male, are: former Prime Minister Gary Conille, former ministers Fritz Bellizaire, Paul Antoine Bien Aimé, former parliamentarian and minister Roudolphe Joazile and entrepreneur Alix Didier Fils Aimé.

Hesitations are observed on the part of Cpt. A public debate was planned, but, ultimately, we learned that the Council opted for separate interviews with each candidate, during the day of May 28, before choosing the one who will lead the transitional government.

Whoever wins must benefit from a majority vote of 5 out of 7 voting members, of the 9 voting members of the Cpt.

For almost a month now, after the installation of the Council on April 30, it has been the wait. Various voices continue to express their impatience to see a new team take the reins of the administration, limited, for the moment, to handling current affairs.

The problems to be addressed, particularly gang violence, are significant. Attacks against the population and public and private buildings, systematically vandalized and/or set on fire, continue to increase.

More than 30 police stations, sub-stations and police branches have been, since the end of February 2024, vandalized and burned by armed bandits, grouped within a coalition of armed gangs called Viv ansanm (living together), according to the Office of protection of the citizen.

Impatience can also be seen in diplomatic circles, at a time when the Americans have been engaged for several weeks in setting up a logistics base in Port-au-Prince to accommodate a multinational security force led by Kenya.

“We look forward to a transparent process that will allow Haiti to have a prime minister and a transitional government,” read a post on the X account of the US embassy in Port-au-Prince. [gp apr 28/05/2024 13 :00]