Haiti – Politics: Sectoral Table of the School Food Sub-Sector, an Impressive Record
20/07/2024 10:49:06
On Thursday, July 18, 2024, the 10th meeting of the School Food Sub-Sector Sector Table was held at the Karibe Convention Center Hotel (Juvena, Pétion-ville), in person and online.
This major quarterly meeting was attended by, among others, Augustin Antoine as Minister of National Education, Ms. Djina Guillet Delatour, General Coordinator of the National School Canteen Program (PNCS), Clément Rouquette, Representative of the World Food Program (WFP)…
Excerpts from the speech by Ms Djina GUILLET DELATOUR:
« […] I remember the day of the launch of the sectoral table of school feeding in Haiti. Friday, July 29, 2016 https://www.haitilibre.com/article-18172-haiti-politique-lancement-de-la-table-sectorielle-alimentation-scolaire.html at the announcement of this great event, the National School Canteen Program (PNCS) and its partners were all excited about this launch. It was the beginning of an adventure that promised to be long and beneficial […] At the time, we had no funding and I said, let’s start this table and the funding will come. Today, I am happy to announce that WFP through the Resilient Agriculture Project for Food Security (PARSA) project https://www.haitilibre.com/article-41095-haiti-projet-parsa-nourrir-100-000-eleves-quotidiennement-avec-des-produits-locaux.html and “McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program” is ensuring this monitoring […]
[…] based on the objectives that we set ourselves at the start and despite the accelerated deterioration of the food supply across the national territory, added to the unflattering socio-political context, a lot of efforts have been made, some achievements testify to this:
It is no less important to make this reminder since we are at the end of the academic year and we have operations to plan for the new year.
Do not be discouraged on such a good path. Continue to work for the benefit of our schoolchildren who are the future of the country. As we are accustomed to repeating “The day we understand the importance of school feeding for sustainable development in Haiti, the country will know a new day” […] ».
HL/ HaitiLibre