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Haiti-Politics: Still waiting for a transitional government in a context of continued deterioration

  • June 11, 2024
  • 9 Min
  • 24

By Gotson Pierre

P-au-P., June 11, 2024 [AlterPresse] — We are still waiting for the formation of a transitional ministerial cabinet after the appointment, since May 28, 2024, of Garry Conille to the post of Prime Minister, observes AlterPresse.

The ministerial cabinet must be presented to the nation immediately, assures the Prime Minister’s office, in a note made public on the evening of June 10.

Previously, Conille announced that he had submitted a composition to the Presidential Transitional Council and that work was continuing on the final list. A meeting took place on June 10 on the file between the Prime Minister and Edgard Leblanc Fils, President of the Council, indicates the Prime Minister.

“The discussions and negotiations on Monday June 10 between the Presidential Transitional Council and PM Garry Conille were rather fruitful. The decree appointing the new Government will be published in the Official Journal Le Moniteur,” Edgard Leblanc has just announced on his X account.

Names of possible incumbents are circulating on social networks as well as a probable number of ministries selected, which should not exceed 18. Some ministers would have two portfolios.

But everything remains to be confirmed, because as long as a decree is not published in the official newspaper Le Moniteur, changes may occur.

The establishment of a government team largely determines the making of arrangements and the implementation of measures to address a multidimensional crisis situation which is continually worsening.

One of the most visible aspects is that of security. The assassination on Sunday June 9 of 3 police officers from the Temporary Anti-Gang Unit (Utag) in Delmas (northern outskirts) is a reminder of the extent to which the hold of gangs on various neighborhoods of the capital remains fierce.

“It is imperative that the perpetrators of these crimes be quickly arrested and brought to justice”, insisted Prime Minister Conille, in reaction to this “odious and barbaric act”, a “direct attack against the security and stability of our nation “.

He promised that after the installation of his government (currently being formed), he would take “all necessary measures to track down the bandits in their entrenchments”.

In terms of security, nothing has significantly changed since the start, last February, of the relentless offensive by coalition gangs on the capital.

Neighborhoods controlled by gangs remain deserted and the last residents forced to live in these areas are subject to constant threats and harassment, local residents report.

People continue to be killed, women raped, houses vandalized, movements carefully monitored in neighborhoods or peripheral areas of Carrefour, Plaine du Cul-de-Sac, Croix-des-Bouquets, Tabarre, Pernier, Gros- John, etc.

Same situation in several neighborhoods in the city center or surrounding areas: lower Delmas, Solino, Bel-Air, Carrefour-Feuilles and many other areas.

Conille reaffirms his determination to strengthen security measures once his government is in place.

Returning to Port-au-Prince on June 1 to take up his duties, Garry Conille made a tour on June 2 in various areas under the influence of gangs in the capital. Aboard a police armored vehicle, he observed the extent of the damage.

Voices are calling for changes at the level of police command, accused of laxity, to say the least. But, a question arises: is it possible for a prime minister without a government to replace high-ranking members of the police institution, including the director general?

The recent assassination of the three police officers brings to 21 the number of officers killed by armed bandits since the start of 2024.

In his June 2 tour, Conille also visited displaced people living in sub-human conditions at the Lycée des Jeunes Filles, one of the many schools transformed into camps.

There are now 578,000 people forced to move across the country due to escalating gang violence, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Until March, this figure was estimated at just 362,000.

An influx of displaced people from the metropolitan area of ​​the capital, Port-au-Prince, to the great south of Haiti has been observed.

While the percentage of displaced people in the metropolitan area is 15%, that of people heading towards the departments in the south of the country is estimated at 130%.

A recovery is noted at the international airport of Port-au-Prince, which should bring some breathing space to the economy. But all the roads linking Port-au-Prince to the regional departments are controlled by gangs, who are multiplying toll booths.

This situation has a disastrous effect on agricultural production, which rots in regions where prices fall, while products are not available in the capital where their prices rise.

Whether from a security, economic or humanitarian point of view, the problems are only piling up. The expectation of a government with clear responsibilities and ministers capable of fulfilling them by producing results is evident every day.

The transition process was initiated on March 11, 2024, with an agreement reached under the auspices of the Caribbean Community (Caricom), then an agreement between the stakeholders on April 3. More than two months later, the governance of the transition is still not ready.

As for the population, they struggle with their problems without any perspective. For her no transition has begun. [gp apr 11/06/2024 10 :00]