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Haiti – Politics: The CPT has published a decision concerning the establishment of the National Conference

  • July 21, 2024
  • 3 Min
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Haiti – Politics: The CPT has published an order concerning the establishment of the “National Conference”
21/07/2024 08:54:40

On Saturday, July 20, 2024, the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT) published in the Special issue of Moniteur #36, an order concerning the establishment of a participatory mechanism called the “National Conference”

According to this Order, the “National Conference” is a participatory, exceptional, time-limited mechanism, aimed at enabling all actors in society to actively contribute to the development of appropriate and accepted resolutions, as we read in Article 1.

Article 2 stipulates that the resolutions will serve as proposals for the development of normative texts and guidelines covering three major areas:

1) The revision of the Constitution in force;
2) The development of a new social project for Haiti;
3) The establishment of new relations between the state and society, including civil society and political parties, as well as major reforms in the legal-political system.

One of the major objectives of this National Conference is to create a new Constitution (Article 3)

The National Conference will also have to work on a new project for Haitian Society (article 4-5)

A Technical Secretariat for the Organization of the National Conference is created, with the mandate of ensuring the Executive Secretariat of the Steering Committee (articles 7 to 11)

Download the complete decree (31 articles) PDF in French:

HL/ HaitiLibre

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