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Haiti: RENAGSANG demands the application of the decree establishing and functioning of the blood and blood products organization (ONASAPS)

  • June 14, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 8

Nancy Lainé, Coordinator of the National Network of Rhesus Negative Blood Groups/CP: RENAGSANG

THE HAITI FACTOR, June 14, 2024._Celebration on Friday, June 14, 2024, of World Voluntary Blood Donor Day. For the occasion, the National Network of Rhesus Negative Blood Groups (RENAGSANG), in a press release, asks the relevant authorities to implement the decree establishing and functioning of the blood and blood products organization (ONASAPS).

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This June 14 marks World Voluntary Blood Donor Day. For the occasion, the National Network of Rhesus Negative Blood Groups (RENAGSANG) salutes the commitment of all those who regularly donate blood to save lives. The Network salutes their heroism.

RENAGSANG takes advantage of this day to draw the attention of the competent authorities to the decree of October 13, 2020, # 32 of the newspaper Le Moniteur. Which decree establishes and organizes the blood and blood products organization (ONASAPS).

Taken under the presidency of the late President Jovenel Moise, the said decree proves to be a fundamental tool for obtaining a better transfusion system in Haiti. However, we are not there yet.

According to the transitional provisions of article 38 of the decree in question, the Ministry of Public Health and Population MSPP should have set up, within a period not exceeding one calendar year, the various ONASAPS structures.

In this sense, at the RENAGSANG level, we are helpless to note that more than 3 years later, this document is unknown to the vast majority of the population. And, unlike certain other decrees, its existence is ignored by the very people who should take all necessary measures for its application.

Taking into account the fact that voluntary blood donation remains a sensitive subject in Haitian society, Renagsang believes that the effective establishment of ONASAPS will allow the country to have a transfusion system that meets the expectations of the population. .

RENAGSANG therefore invites the new Minister of Public Health and Population to make this decree a priority as part of his first actions at the head of the MSPP and to also take all necessary measures so that ONASAPS can play its full role. his role.

RENAGSANG communications office


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Le Facteur Haiti