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Haiti – Security: Ceremony for handing out parchments to 455 new specialized police officers of the PNH (Video)

  • June 19, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 8

Haiti – Security: Ceremony for handing out parchments to 455 new specialized police officers of the PNH (Video)
19/06/2024 10:27:44

Tuesday June 18, 2024, on the esplanade of the National Police School (ENP), located at Route de Frères, Commune of Pétion-Ville. The ceremony of handing over parchments to 455 new police officers from the specialized forces of the National Police of Haiti (PNH) took place. This ceremony took place in the presence of Edgard Leblanc Fils, President of the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT), accompanied by Advisor Smith Augustin, Prime Minister Garry Conille, the Minister of Justice, Me Carlos Hercule, the Director General of the National Police, Frantz Elbé [ révoqué mais toujours en poste [?] ]and members of the Diplomatic Corps , among others…

Coming mainly from the 33rd promotion of the PNH, these recipients have just successfully completed 3 months of intense and adapted training for their integration into the specialized units of the PNH, in particular the BRI, the SWAT, the UTAG, the PoliFRONT, CIMO, BOID, BLVV and UDMO.

In his appropriate intervention, the Head of Government declared. “You need to know that you are not alone. You are the hope of the population at this crucial moment in its history. We appreciate your immense efforts, your sacrifices and the loyal services rendered to the Haitian population. […] Together, we will reclaim our cities and public spaces and ensure the free movement of lives and goods […] The time has come to review our approach to security and reconsider our strategy so that it is comprehensive and immediate. »

For his part, President Edgard Leblanc Fils, took the opportunity to greet these new fighters, well prepared to fight against insecurity and gave the assurance of State support to the police officers “The Government and the Presidential Council of Transition gives you the guarantee of support in all your interventions […] » affirming that the CPT intends to do everything possible to better supervise the PNH, in its actions to dismantle gang centers allowing peaceful citizens to freely go about their activities.

Frantz Elbé, Commander-in-Chief of the PNH, was accompanied by members of the high command. In his speech, he insisted on strengthening the structural and operational capacities of the PNH, while specifying that the arrival of these new police officers within the specialized forces is crucial in the fight against banditry in all its forms. , saluting the courage of the valiant police officers “You have responsibility for discipline and respect for the law and in particular for human rights. The other responsibility is to walk in honor, dignity and loyalty to achieve lasting results.”

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