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Haiti: Soldiers of the Multinational Mission will not fight against gangs, clarified Garry Conille

  • July 4, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 7

Prime Minister Garry Conille during his interview in New | @ Photo Credit: NPR

Prime Minister Garry Conille wants to be clear. The soldiers of the Multinational Security Support Mission (MMSS) are not going to fight against the armed gangs that dictate their law in Haiti. The head of government made this statement on Wednesday, July 3, 2024, during an interview with Radio France Internationale (RFI) on the occasion of his official visit to the United States, thus leaving doubts about the effective mission of foreign troops in Haiti.

THE HAITI FACTOR, July 4, 2024._ On an official visit to the United States, Prime Minister Garry Conille reaffirmed on Wednesday, July 3, 2024, to the international community his commitment to resolving the problem of insecurity raging in Haiti.

In an interview with international media, including RFI and France 24, the head of the Haitian government called for the deployment of additional Kenyan police officers to fight against the armed gangs that are taking the country hostage.

He took the opportunity to appeal to the President of Kenya, William Ruto, whose country is proposing to lead the Multinational Security Support Mission (MMSS) in Haiti, in support of the Haitian police.

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Kenyan police officers get off the plane | Photo credit Kervens Légagneur THE HAITI FACTOR

« More Kenyan police officers are expected in the coming weeks. It will happen quickly. In the coming weeks, we will have a second contingent of police officers,” he told reporters.

However, the deployment of Kenyan police is not about carrying out large-scale operations aimed at dismantling gang hotbeds, according to Garry Conille.

« It is the Haitian law enforcement, the army and the police who will fight against the gangs, not the soldiers of the Multinational Mission in Support of Security. The mission of this force is obviously to support the national police who have never stopped carrying out operations,” Prime Minister Garry Conille clarified during the interview.

Prime Minister Garry Conille during his interview in New | @ Photo Credit: NPR

« The retaking of these territories which are today occupied by gangs is still the responsibility of the police and the army of Haiti,” persisted and signed the head of government, adding that ” It is the Government that will decide when, in what context and how this support will be necessary and will have added value,” he concluded.

It should also be recalled that during an interview with France 2024, the Presidential Advisor, representative of the Fanmi Lavas party, had already made a similar statement regarding the mission of foreign troops in Haiti.

In any case, Garry Conille has set his conditions for dialogue with the armed gangs as requested by Jimmy Chérisier alias Barbecue, leader of the coalition “Viv ansanm.”

« “We must first lay down our arms and recognize the authority of the State before any dialogue, before anything else,” he urged.

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400 Kenyan police officers deployed in Haiti | Photo credit Kervens Légagneur | LE FACTEUR HAITI

Despite the gang attacks on police infrastructure, Prime Minister Garry Conille reassures the international community that ” The state will regain control of the entire national territory in the not too distant future.”

What is the point of this international mission, which costs an exorbitant 600 million US dollars? And why spend all these millions on its arrival, when it will not fight the armed gangs that defy the authority of the State?

Garry Conille and the CPT undoubtedly owe answers to the Haitian people!


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Le Facteur Haiti