The building housing the prisoners at Cabaret, in Titanyen/ Photo credit: Google

Armed bandits occupied the Cabaret women’s civil prison on Tuesday, January 30, 2024. This prison center has been abandoned for several months after the inmates were transferred to Delmas 33.

THE HAITI FACTOR, January 30, 2024._Armed bandits took possession of the Cabaret civil prison intended for women in contravention of the law.

They stormed it on Tuesday January 30, 2024, confirms the online newspaper LE FACTEUR HAITI from a well-informed source.

Remember that it does not have any prisoners because they are currently imprisoned at CERMICOL, in Delmas 33, in May 2023, due to the deterioration of the security climate in Cabaret.

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The building housing the prisoners at Cabaret, in Titanyen/ Photo credit: Google

The bandits move in peacefully inside the space after the building’s security guards abandon their posts in the face of threats from the gangsters.

This irrruption of bandits within this prison center follows a voice note published recently by the gang leader of Canaan, named Jeff Larose, through which he advised the inhabitants of this area to stock up on food and other products, as he says he plans to soon block access to anyone in the area.

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Armed bandits take possession of the women’s civil prison in Cabaret (Photo: Anonymat)

After having put the women’s civil prison in Cabaret under their control, the bandits are showing their desire to invade the town (city center) of Arcahaie this Tuesday evening. An announcement that provokes fear among the Archelois. Thus, many families begin to leave the city.