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Haiti: The Haitian Youth Integrating Mission urges Prime Minister Garry Conille to integrate young people into the spheres of the state

  • June 13, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 13

The Integrative Mission for Haitian Youth (MIJH) welcomes the installation of Dr. Garry Conille as new Prime Minister of the Transitional Government. The Coordinator of the said Mission, Réginald Souffrant, in a letter, urges the new head of the Prime Minister to put the Integration of Haitian Youth at the heart of government action to offer young people real opportunities for participation in the spheres of State and public power.

THE HAITI FACTOR, June 13, 2024._The organization called “Integrative Mission for Haitian Youth (MIJH)” sent a correspondence to Prime Minister Garry Conille through which Coordinator Réginald Souffrant expresses his most sincere congratulations for his recent appointment as Prime Minister of Haiti.

Reginald Souffrant says he believes that the installation of the Prime Minister at the head of government represents a crucial moment for the country. On this, he wishes him every success in this new mission.

On behalf of the Integrative Mission for Haitian Youth, he said he had great confidence in the ability of the Prime Minister to lead Haiti towards a better future. To this end, Mr. Souffrant urges Dr. Conille to put the integration of Haitian youth at the heart of your government action.

« It is imperative to offer them real opportunities for participation in the spheres of the State and public power. The youth, being the pillar of our nation, deserve to be fully involved in making decisions that will shape the future of the country”wrote Reginald Souffrant.


Furthermore, the MIJH Coordinator declares that it is essential to work hard to establish a climate of both physical and social security across the country.

« Security is an indispensable foundation for development and stability, and we hope that your government will implement effective measures to protect all Haitian citizens. », he recalls

Finally, Reginald Souffrant said he encouraged the Head of Government to instruct the Haitian chancellery to work proactively and quickly on the migration problem between the Republic of Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

“It is crucial to find lasting solutions that respect human rights and promote peaceful and respectful coexistence between our two nations. We are convinced that under your leadership, Haiti can overcome current challenges and resolutely embark on the path to peace. prosperity and social justice », concluded the Coordinator of the Integrative Mission for Haitian youth


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Le Facteur Haiti