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Haiti | There will be no First Lady during this transition, assures the Presidential Council in training

  • March 31, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 25

The last First Lady of Haiti is suspected of having conspired alongside Claude Joseph in the magnicide of July 7, 2021, according to Haitian justice.

The status of “first lady” or “first man” is not recognized by the transition which is about to begin in Haiti, under the instigation of Caricom and the United States Department of State. of America.

Indeed, while the country is preparing for a transition period lasting from eighteen (18) to twenty-four (24) months, a document sent to the resigning Council of Ministers by the members of the Presidential Council in training clarifies that neither the wife nor husband of a member of the Presidential Council, nor any member of their family, will benefit from a special status.
In this sense, these people will not have to manage a public project, or have access to funds from the Public Treasury.

This Presidential Council, composed of seven voting members and two observer members representing various political sectors, the private sector and civil society, will be responsible for ensuring the governance of the country during the transition. Among the voting members, we find figures such as Edgard Leblanc Fils (PHTK/OPL/Unir/Pitit Dessalines), Fritz Alphonse Jean (Accord August 30, known as Montana), Smith Augustin (EDE/Compromis/RED), Louis Gérald Gilles (December 21 Agreement), Emmanuel Vertilaire (Pitit Dessalines), Leslie Voltaire (Fanmi Lavalas) and Laurent St-Cyr (Private Sector). Régine Abraham (REN) and Frinel Joseph (Société Civile) will act as observers.

The Presidential Council will be responsible for appointing a President who will also be the nominal Head of the Armed Forces of Haiti, and will have to chair the Council of Ministers, accompanied by the other members of the Council.

The CP’s responsibilities will include the appointment of a Prime Minister, an Electoral Council, ambassadors and other senior state officials. In addition, he will supervise six major sectoral projects, namely security, elections, constitutional reform, the sovereign national conference, economic recovery and social and humanitarian recovery.