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Haiti: Three of the 7 stakeholders of the April 3 Agreement do not recognize themselves in the government of rescue and national unity of PM Conille

  • June 13, 2024
  • 8 Min
  • 9

With the approach of the American elections set for November 5, the results of which are so far uncertain, given the role of the American Administration in this political transition in Haiti, the Presidential Transitional Council and Prime Minister Garry Conille do not Do they not have an interest in strengthening themselves instead of weakening over the next four (4) months?

And to get there and succeed, as Dr. Garry Conille wishes, isn’t the best way to find the ways and means to establish a PERMANENT DIALOGUE between the different actors in this transition and to take into account- at all times – the general interest and not petty and particular interests?

Regarding the governance of this country whose backs are broken by planned insecurity and almost institutionalized impunity, Prime Minister Garry Conille and the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT) had the mission, according to the agreement of April 3 signed between the stakeholders of the Political Transition in Haiti, to establish a government of rescue and national unity.

The modalities for the establishment of such a government are set out in the said Agreement.

Considering the results of the work carried out by PM Conille and the CPT, three of the seven stakeholders with voting rights have dissociated themselves from this government.

They declare that they did not participate in the establishment of this government whose representatives initialed an Order appointing the members.

The stakeholders who have publicly distanced themselves from the composition of the government and the entire process leading to its formation are: Montana Agreement, December 21 Agreement, January 30 Collective. All signatories of the April 3 Agreement.

The agreement of April 3 provides for other exercises as delicate as the formation and establishment of the government, with great stakes for PM Conille and the CPT: The formation of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) and the reestablishment and l the sanitation of state institutions which must result in the appointment of new officials at the level of institutions such as the Haitian National Police and other state agencies.

After these first three, who are the other stakeholders in the April 3 Agreement who, dissatisfied, who will also turn their backs on the CPT and the government of Prime Minister Conille? And what will be the pretext?

At this rate and if an agreement is not quickly found, do the CPT and PM Conille not risk losing, before next November, the support and support of all political, economic and societal sectors? civil society that allowed them to exist as a political power?

With the approach of the American elections set for November 5, the results of which are so far uncertain, given the role of the American Administration in this political transition in Haiti, do not the CPT and PM Conille have an interest to strengthen instead of weaken over the next four (4) months?

And to achieve this, isn’t the best way to find the ways and means to establish a permanent dialogue between the different actors and to take into account at all times the general interest and not petty and particular interests?

As for the question of knowing the nature or qualifying this government installed by the CPT and PM Conille, we have noted the following 10 indicators which make it possible to recognize and identify a government of rescue and national unity and we leave it to the It is up to readers to decide whether the one put in place by PM Conille and the CPT meets all these characteristics.

It is :

1. **Composition inclusive :** The government includes representatives from various political parties, ethnic, religious and social groups to ensure fair representation.

2. **Common goals :** It has clear and shared objectives aimed at resolving a national crisis or uniting the country around a common cause.

3. **Coalition large :** It is formed by the cooperation of several political parties or interest groups to obtain broad popular support.

4. **Transparency :** He communicates transparently about his actions, decisions and objectives with the public.

5. **Inclusion of skills :** It integrates experts, technocrats and qualified professionals in different fields to effectively manage the crisis or national challenges.

6. **Dialogue and compromise :** It promotes dialogue and negotiation between the different stakeholders to reach compromises and solutions acceptable to all.

7. **Polarization rejection :** It seeks to overcome political and social divisions by promoting national unity and avoiding polarization.

8. **Political stability:** It aims to ensure political and institutional stability to restore citizens’ confidence in the government.

9. **Legitimacy and popular support:** He enjoys broad support and popular legitimacy to carry out his actions and reforms.

10. **Concrete results:** It manages to produce tangible and positive results in solving national problems and improving the living conditions of citizens.

Célimène Fratus

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