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Haiti: What to do: revolution – QUE FAIRE: REVOLUTION

  • February 6, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 44

By Leslie Péan*

Submitted to AlterPresse on February 6, 2024

We reproduce in bold letters the lyrics of a song by the group Independent Artist from the 70s. What shall we do? – WHAT TO DO – set the tone for the Sunday morning show “L’Heure Haïtienne”, on WKCR radio at Columbia University in Manhattan.

Days pass Haiti is retreating.
The unfailing support of the American government and France for their proxies in the government of Ariel Henry has opened the eyes of a new generation which is increasing its demonstrations. Absolute power to promote the personal enrichment of its members carries within it the seeds of its own destruction.

The fields are dry and people are dying of hunger.
At a time of tireless and general protest, just as Monsignor Pierre André Dumas calls for the bells of all churches to be rung in the department of Nippes, let us ring the bells of the diaspora through peaceful demonstrations in front of embassies and consulates. Hoping not to come to the recommendations of Maitre Louicher Jean-Joseph, Guy Philippe’s lawyer, on Radio Télé Éclair’s Micro Vérité on January 22, 2024, from stop sending money to Haiti suspend transfers so that beneficiaries enter the battle for change.

There is injustice, big ape swallows small
Nothing should be neglected to find some relief from the continuing chaos. The resignation of the government of Ariel Henry with immediate effect is mandatory. The crisis is unprecedented in our history since the fall of Duvalierism in 1986.

The country is our country
Let us help our children, our parents, brothers and sisters to find an answer to the deep structures of the system which are faltering. Former minister Claude Joseph receives gas in the face. Other demonstrators are injured. But they continue and tell the American Embassy and the Core Group to withdraw their lackeys.

It is up to us to put order in this
It is important not to aggravate the problem by allowing it to continue. Let us go further than those who are fighting in Haiti by putting ourselves on their shoulders, and present their plea before the whole world. Victory depends on the participation of each person aware of the issues.

Make sure that it is not gossip
Pragmatism is necessary to achieve the destruction of gangs, these forces of misfortune which lead to the breakdown of society. Let’s work together to end the occupation of macoutes, militiamen, attaches, and gangs.

The future of our country is in our hands
All together to prevent the system from recurring. Our parents gave us their views and confided their motivations. Haiti needs development with dignity and sovereignty.

What to do: revolution
We must say it in public, loud and clear! The mobilization of the diaspora is necessary to obtain the “change” to which we all aspire. Let’s continue with the bazooka of progressive thought. Now is not the time to procrastinate. The ammunition of progressive thought is necessary before moving on to the heavy artillery of the new multipolar world in the making. If we don’t shout we will suffocate.

*Economist, writer