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Haitian songs to ask for your ex to come back

  • June 29, 2024
  • 9 Min
  • 5

Moving on after a breakup is easier said than done. Completely forgetting a person with whom you have shared intimacy and dedicated your life for many years seems practically implausible and unfeasible. Singers and composers around the world have addressed the subject in their texts. There are those who yearn for reconciliation like Nia de Zin in “Tounen” and those who have nothing to worry about like Eamon in “F**k it”.

No matter your relationship status or your history with an ex in the past, breakup songs or reconciliation request songs remind us of someone in particular.

In this article, Loop Haiti highlights five songs composed in honor of an ex-partner.

“Souvenir”, Arly Larivière

It’s heartbreaking and painful to part with someone you’re still in love with! She is no longer physically present in your life, but she does not let go of you one bit, because you miss her terribly.

Maybe it’s not the person themselves that you miss, but the marks and moments they left in your life. These memories are like a “scar” stuck to your skin that reminds you of the person constantly.

The Haitian singer, Arly Larivière made mention of it in his hit “Souvenir” in which he expressed his love to his ex. An indelible love despite the fact that they are no longer together.

“Today you are no longer in my life” he acknowledges “but the scars of love remain” admits the composer who cries his soul on the melody.

“I’m going to cry until I run out of tears,” he lamented, emphasizing that his feelings have not changed despite the separation.

Nice words for his ex who he probably considers his “Number one lady”.

«Number one lady», D-Perfect

Still being in love with your ex is understandable. But calling her “Number one lady” when you have started a new life with another person may seem a bit exaggerated. Not for D-Perfect.

The singer let himself be carried away by the banks of his still fresh feelings for his ex despite the fact that he is a married man, even going as far as to call her his number one.

«You’re my number one. And you’re all I need,” writes the Haitian artist, ravaged by the feeling of guilt of having let his lover go. «Please forgive me» supplie-t-il.

“You are my country, my favorite record, my beautiful negres, with you I feel good” expressed the singer who said she wanted to “beat the card” as if to ask her “number one lady” to “come back” in dance that life

“Baby back”, ORS

When the person you are in love with decides to end the relationship and move on, all you want is for them to come back. You “suffer”, you become “crazy”, you “wish for their return”.

Original Rap Staff’s (ORS) “Baby tounen” translates this roller coaster feeling and the immense bitterness triggered by the separation. “I get on my knees and ask for your return” sings Posse X, begging his ex to “tounen”.

“Your return to my life would take me to paradise” declaims the rapper who wants to see his life “flower” with the woman of his life.

He is fed up with being a “la mèg zo”, so he begs his sweetheart to “tounen”.

“Back”, Nia de Zin

Do you ever say things you don’t mean out of emotion or anger? This is never the ideal attitude to have. Nia learned this the hard way when she asked her “sweetheart” to leave.

Pained and overwhelmed by various emotions after the departure of her lover, Nia calls for her man’s return.

“Lè mète di ou mèt ale, se pas sa m te vle” admits the young woman who says she feels alone and with her battery discharged.

“I can’t live without you, I can’t go without you,” the singer declares before shouting “I can’t live without you” while asking her man to come back because she doesn’t want to lose him.

«Please Baby », Alan Cavé

Recognizing your wrongdoing is extremely important in a romantic relationship. This is the first step towards winning back his lost love. Alan Cavé recognizes this perfectly. He poured his heart out in his hit “Please Baby.”

“Mwen konnen mwen koupab, m konnen m enpadonab” exclaims the singer asking for forgiveness from his partner whom he offended.

“Cheri mwen dezole” he sings, admitting that he is constantly in “pain” and finds it “intolerable” that she is no longer in his life.

“Ban m yon dènye chans” he asks, promising to do whatever she wants.

“Pa kite m” implores the singer before swearing that he wants to spend the rest of his life with his sweetheart.

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Wilner Bossou